Monday, August 31, 2009


I'll admit it. I am a failure. 100%. You can all take back your congratulations and encouraging words because we are back in diapers.

Things went from good to bad to worse last week. Caymbree stopped telling me all together that she had to go potty and became utterly traumatized by sitting on the toilet at all. The routine was the same for three days. Force child to sit on potty. Watch her scream bloody murder at the top of her lungs for up to forty minutes. Take child off potty. Watch her pee down the hall. It was maddening!!! It got so frustrating that I started doing everything the "experts" tell you not to. She started getting really needy, wanting to be held constantly and reverting back to baby like behavior. After three days of us both being completely miserable I gave up. I'll admit it. I wimped out. I just was not worth the fight.

So she is back to diapers. Happy as ever. I am back to buying diapers. Not so happy.


Heather said...

I know exactly what you are going through!! I had to quit twice before it finally worked!! I would take Cayden to the potty and then 5 minutes later I would be scrubbing stuff out of my carpet that no one should have to clean up!!:) It is hard having to quit but you don't want to have a nervous breakdown either!! Good luck next time:)

smithfamilymoments said...

I am so sorry! Ava is actually regressing a little too. One day she will do just great , then the next day she she will have a bunch of accidents. Hang in there. Maybe it just needs to happen on her terms. Good Luck.

Unknown said...

Oh man, sounds like agony! One thing for sure though, little ones are like monkeys, just when ya think they are not watching...then THEY decide to mimic you. Good luck

The Jensen 6 said...

I feel for you girl! I've still got Porter in pull-ups at night and the end is nowhere in sight. But...who wants to go crazy? Good luck! Tyler's been trying to convince me to start Sawyer who is not yet two and just started talking. I'm not touching it! If he wants it done that badly, he can do it! I prefer to wait until he's old enough to really understand how bribery works.

Lindsay said...

Jami, I am the middle of potty training Avah... It's hard work for sure. Hope everything is going well for you!

Anonymous said...

Good job Jamie for sticking it out that long! The ONLY thing I dread when I get pregnant is thinking about potty training. I understand your pain!!!

slap said...

been there done that!!! You're not a failure....she's just not ready! I forced my first, pushed my second and my 3rd trained herself!!! It's the nicest way to do it anyway!!!

Mrs. Budge said...

Jami this can't be!! You have been my inspiration since you first potty trained Hallee! I learned everything from you, and successfully used your ideas. I love your potty training methods and how you make it a big potty-fest. I'm so sorry to hear it isn't working yet. It will happen, I know it.

Tara Williams said...

Don't worry. Honestly, the next time you try it, you'll know that she's ready. Promise. I have everyone pressuring me to potty train Isabelle but I know she's just not ready. I think it will be soon, but their minds and bodies have to be on the same page, know what I mean? When it's right, you'll know. You're one of the BEST moms I know and you will do what's right for her. ;~)

Brittney said...

i hate potty training. so much.

Tiffany G said...

Oh-well. The more kids you have the more you realize they are different and what you have figured out . . . you have to figure out again. She will go on the potty some day! :)

BigEd said...

Oh, boy do I feel your pain. I'm now waiting until Grandma gets here and making her participate in raising her grandchildren. She doesn't know yet.