Sunday, August 23, 2009

Limo, lunch and a belated birthday

The day after Troy received his job offer we were down stairs working in the basement when I heard the DJ on the radio talk about a free lunch giveaway they were doing. All that was needed was an e-mail saying why you deserved the free lunch. I thought it was a worth a shot and sent off the following e-mail.

My husband was laid off from work back in May. He received a job offer yesterday!!!! We owe a HUGE thank you to our friends and family who were absolutely unbelievable during this time. They provided many meals, ice cream and treats left on our doorstep, countless babysitting hours, and shoulders to cry on. Lunch at Lonestar would be the PERFECT thank you for them!!!

A few minutes later while I was in the shower Troy got a phone call from ShotGun Jackson at Kbull 93 telling him congratulations on his new job. (I wish I could have seen his face because he had no idea I had sent the e-mail in). Mr. Jackson said that the e-mail hit a soft spot and therefore TA-DUM...We were the lucky winner of a limo ride and free lunch for six!
The limo picked us up in front of my house and took us on a 20 minute ride to LoneStar Steakhouse. Troy and our friend Steve met us there for lunch.

Apparently they didn't get my memo about having a bucket of diet cokes chilled on ice prepared for the ride. Dang.
The lunch and limo event just happened to fall on the same day that we were going out to celebrate Josie and my birthday. Our birthday's were the first of July and we have had one heck of a time trying to do this birthday event so we were not about to reschedule.

Fabulous friends, a little shopping and good food. What more could you ask for?


Heather said...

Looks like a great time! Can't beat a free lunch:)

Tara said...

It was such a fun day thank you for the good times. The lunch and limo was fantastic, thanks again.

smithfamilymoments said...

Jami-You need to go to Vegas, because you are one lucky girl.If How fun is that. You girls deserve it. If I remeber right, didn't your family win circus tickets last year? I need to start listening to that radio station?

Tristen said...

I heard about the limo ride. Sounds like a blast.

Kelli said...

You deserved it!

Josie said...

It was SO much fun. What a much needed great day we had! Thank you so much. You paid us back way more than we even did for you. Love ya

Tiffany G said...

Well deserved! Sounds like a fun time!

slap said...

oh my heck....that's awesome!! how fun!!

Anonymous said...

I saw this limo in our neighborhood! I'm just so glad it was for you! Good times!!!!