What do you get when you take one incredibly talented dude, a gift card to Lowes, and a husband with a little extra time on his hands......

THESE AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL SHUTTERS to block out the sun and add a little touch of decor to our 8 foot window.

It's just about now that I start singing "Don't ya wish your husband was crafty like mine." (Think pussy cat dolls). But that would be lame. So I'll just sing it to myself :)
Those look so good!!! It adds so much warmth AND they are practical. Can't beat that! Good job Troy!
WOW, those look great! It will cut down on your air conditioning bill too. The look matches the Tuscany look to your home. Happy Birthday to a wonderful daughter in law!!!!
Cute! Don't you just love it when you finally figure out how to cover an akward window? We have one of those that we're still trying to figure out. Maybe we'll have to borrow Troy. Happy Birthday (even though I know it was a few weeks ago)!
I saw something brewing in the garage. Nice job Troy! Oh Jami - if only I could see the dance that goes along with the pussy cat dolls. I can't wait for the performance. :)
Wow- You have a real handy man on your hands. They look so great I am glad you got them done, you've wanted them for a long time. Good job troy!
LOve LOVe LOve them I think they are gorgous!! Good job Troy!!
Are you taking orders......?
They look Lovely if I do say so myself. I was actually thinking of the song "she's crafty" by the Beastie Boys I think they sang that song. And yes call me crazy I did like some of there songs back in the day what can I say I was WILD! J/K
I love the idea and the application. Sounds like the usual great team work. wonderful job.
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