Sunday, July 26, 2009

So long summer...

Ok, so we won't say good-bye forever but it is necessary to take a 3 week hiatus from summer when Hallee goes back to school tomorrow. Come mid-August when Hallee goes off track we will be back at it again but for long.
We have managed to have a jam packed "summer" full of fun, family and friends. A few family reunions, multiple trips to the SPLASH PARK, the recent discovery of the "beach" nearby, a few pool visits, lots of SUN, and more popcicles than you can count and it's safe to say that we have had a great little summer break.
Our last week of summer did not disappoint in the wild and crazy area with my sister and her three kids coming for a visit, a full day of wedding bliss, and an entire day with the cousins and family proved to be the perfect way to spend our final hours. My cousin Lorren and her new hubby Michael. The day was perfect!
Me and my gang (aka family). My older brother Kory had to bail early.

Me and my sis. (Nice posture I'm sporting hey?)
And now, I am looking at the clock reazling it's 7pm and thinking "oh crud". Time for baths, storytime, lay out the school clothes, discuss the school schedule and all that other fun stuff. Say hello to "summer" for me tomorrow would ya?

1 comment:

Joni said...

As I was reading this, several of our neighbor kids have walked or rode their bikes home from school (they started last week, though). It's things like this that make me really hope our area gets rid of year-round before Aydon starts school. I don't think I will handle it very well.