Monday, July 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Caymbree!!!

I can hardly believe that my baby is TWO YEARS OLD. How did that happen??? She is growing up way to fast thanks in part to having two older sisters to mimic. Caymbree's birthday started off with a visit from Grandma SuSu from Arizona. We spent most of the afternoon watching the kids run around at the splash park.
We then headed to Chuck-E-Cheese!!! We were a little worried that Caymbree wouldn't be able to do much but she had a BLAST!! (Although she wasn't to fond of this clown.)

Her favorite part of the evening was redeeming her tickets for this gigantic sucker. She has a slight obsession for suckers so she was in HEAVEN! (Gotta love that pizza face)!


1) When she is being a tease and taunts us with "tease ya, tease ya!"

2) Absolutely obsessed with SHOES. Seriously. Who knew it started this young!

3) Loves suckers. Can be found with numerous suckers in her possession at any given time. One time she managed to sneak one into bed with her - not a good idea! She woke up with it stuck to her hair.

4) She can shake her groove thing!! In preparation for the girls spring dance concert Hope and Hallee had to practice their dance routines every day. Next thing we know Caymbree has memorized Hope's routine, facials and all. It was hysterical!!

5) She has such a cute personality. A little mischievous, sometimes downright naughty but always cute. Sometimes I find myself just watching her every move.

Happy Birthday Caymbree Rose! We Love You!!!


Tara said...

What a big girl!! She is so cute, She had quite the day. Looks like she had a great birthday!

Post-it Notes said...

What! She's TWO!!! How did that happen! What a little cutie pie.

Heather said...

She is so cute!! I can't believe she is already 2! Time goes by so fast:)

Unknown said...

I cracked up with her obsession with shoes and her purse. Hmm, maybe that part is a genetic thing. After all, my retirement plan it sitting in my closet masquerading as shoes and purses! j/k