Tuesday, March 17, 2009

No "Luck of the Irish" here....

So I thought today was supposed to be LUCKY. No I'm not Irish but you'd think a little bit of LUCK could rub off on me. Not the case.

While bathing Hope and Caymbee this morning Caymbree started throwing a fit and wanted to get out of the tub. I knew I still had to wash Hope's hair so I tried to stall her but she wanted OUT! No big deal other than Caymbree has a habit of pooping on the floor every time we let her run wild without a diaper. She had already had a messy diaper just about a half hour earlier so I figured I was safe. I wrapped her in a towel put her on my bed and then went back to wash Hope's hair. It took me about two and half minutes and I realized Caymbree was gone. I started calling for her and walked towards my door. That's when I saw it. Not only saw it, but smelled it.

I followed the trail of poop to her room where it all began. Apparently, she put on a pair of Hope's shoes, went in her room, pooped on the floor and then decided to have her own little mosh pit on it. After trampling on it she then walked all the way down the hall tracking poop with her. LOVELY!!!

The blank spot in the middle is where a pile of freshly laundered clothes sat. Yep, poop on the clothes as well.
Here's the trail down the hallway after I started scrubbing. There was A LOT of scrubbing.

Hope was traumatized when she saw her shoes...and well, so was I.
The best part is that Caymbree watched me and the entire time kept saying "Ewe. Goss (gross)Goss Mom." Oh, YA THINK?
My next UNLUCKY moment came when I tried to make a mad dash to the grocery store to get eggs for tonight's dinner. I had about 15 minutes before I was supposed to pick up Hope and her friends from school so I was in a big rush.
I went in the grocery store, up one isle, grabbed the eggs, down another isle and straight to the checkout stand. Paid, grabbed my bags and then went for my keys. NO KEYS. I distinctly remembered putting them in my pocket and quickly realized they must have fallen out. I went to Customer Service and asked if any keys had been turned in in the past few minutes and the guy said NO. At this point I knew I was in trouble and had to call a friend to pick up the kids from school.
Now I start thinking about all the cars that have been stolen in the area lately and think I better go out and check on my car. Still there. Search purse. Back to CS. No keys. Re-trace my steps through the store. No keys. Search purse again. Back to Customer Service. I ask if he (the same guy every time) can ask through the "PA" if anyone has found some keys and ask them to bring them to customer service. His reply. "Um....I can't." My irritated response. "You can't?" Then he says, what did you keys look like? I describe them as he walks to a drawer, opens it and pulls out my keys. ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? I am so bugged but late to pick up the kids so I leave thinking about how I should really find a manager and tell him about his LESS than helpful associate.
I tried to salvage the day with an ALL GREEN dinner. In the past I have done green fettuccine noodles with green alfredo sauce, green beans and a green salad but this year I tried something a little different. (It's french toast and scrambled eggs just in case you couldn't tell from the picture).
Dressed in green and excited for dinner.
A leprechaun stopped by and left green treats on the girls pillows.
And after a fun dinner with the family, a night outside enjoying the unbelievable weather and now sitting here watching American Idol with the hubby I guess I don't feel so UNLUCKY after all.
P.S - Should I be worried that I had to go look at Hallee's spelling words for the week to know how to spell "leprechaun". It's a bonus word but sheesshhh!


Adree said...

I know I already said that's totally sick but the pictures make it 10 times worse. PS don't let Bridger in on this because that will be his next trick I'm sure.

soccerfamily said...

It's funny that you mention the spelling of leprechaun. I didn't learn how to spell that word until I started teaching 1st grade last year because that's all my kids want to write about every day in their journals for like the whole month. I finally decided that it might look really bad to have to look the word up every time, so I forced myself to memorize it. The poop story is too funny!

Jenn said...

Seriously the poop would be my quitting day. I think I might've walked out of the house and not come back. :) and by the way the story about the keys...that's me just about everytime I walk into a store...I totally sympathize.

Kelli said...

Someday you'll look back and laugh at your unlucky day. I thought only BOYS did gross things like that!!

Unknown said...

Wow, your mom told me I had to look at your blog to see the latest "Caymbree Incident". I know you could laugh at the time, maybe you still can't but I laughed histerically. Thanks for sharing, its always entertaining to read your blog!!

Heather said...

You are so amazing to remember all the cute things your kids say and then be able to record it all!!:) I think my kids say cute things but by the time I go to write them down I can't remember every detail! I don't think I could have handled the poop incident (but I guess we all do what we have to do)!! Luckily I haven't had to do that yet (knock on wood)!!!!!!:)

Tiffany G said...

You SERIOUSLY took pictures of the poop! That is hilarious!

slap said...

great post! I love it! you were far more patient with that clerk than I would have been I'm afraid!! Great Job with that!!! I didn't even do the green thing this year! Tues. is our mutual and I'm pretty much not available on that day!! (atleast to my family)

JLJ said...

Ahhh! I hate the poop in the carpet!!!! You're really good to do such fun stuff for St Patricks. The extent of our St. P-day.... nothing.