Friday, March 13, 2009

Hope Moments

We've had some great HOPE MOMENTS around here lately. The problem is, without seeing her little attitude, facial expressions and body language it's just not the same. Oh well, I want to document them nonetheless.

I've really been on the girls cases lately about keeping their rooms clean. Apparently, Hope is getting the message. I happened to overhear a conversation take place with her little friend Elle.
Elle: "Hope, let's go play in your room."
Hope: "No, I don't think that's a good idea."
E: "Oh, come on Hope. "
H: "Oh, fine. But you better listen. You can get out ONE toy at a time. When you are done playing with it, you have to put it away WHERE it goes. CAUSE I AM SICK AND TIRED OF CLEANING MY ROOM!"
Oh, brother.

A few weeks ago Hope went with my dad to run errands. My dad was talking to her as they walked towards the car. Out of nowhere Hope says to my dad, "Get in the car snappy pants!"

Yesterday we took the kids to Artic Circle for shakes and to play in the playland. Hope comes off the slide, runs to us and says "When I was standing at the top of the slide a kid said, "you can go first." Hope pauses, rubs her heart and says "that just, (rubbing her heart still) (another pause), that just makes my heart feel so sweet."

This is one you have to hear to believe. Hope has developed an amazing (and absolutely annoying) talent. She will be in the middle of a conversation and will just switch to talking jibrish midstream. Not the typical jibrish that is obviously made-up. She keeps talking with complete composure, voice influctuations and facial expressions of a normal conversation. It usually takes me two or three sentences before I realize what she is doing. It is hysterical but maddening at the same time. She loves to hear me say, "What?" and gets a huge kick out of frustrating me.


Heather said...

It is so fun to be able to look back at the funny and cute things the kids say!! I need to be better at writing them down! I don't think though anyone can beat the "Hope moments", they are always so hilarious!!:)

JLJ said...

These stories just, (pause), make my heart feel so sweet. I love that one!

Joni said...

Those are funny stories. Hope is so cute!

Bonnie said...

So glad you share the cute stories, won't they be fun to read in 10 or 15 years!

smithfamilymoments said...

Hope is a crack up. I just lover her!

slap said...

OMgosh....I can't even stand it. What great fun you're having with your family!! Precious it!!

Tiffany G said...

I could take that one, she is a crack up! I would love to put Hope and Lucas in a room with a tape recorder!