Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Jekyll and Hyde

I swear sometimes Caymbree has two personalities. One minute she is so sweet and cute and the next she is defiant and mischievous. Oh, ya. The Terrible Two's are on their way!
Jekyll: Love her cheesy little grin. Truly. (Photo courtesy of Hope).

Hyde: Really? Is it necessary to make THIS big of mess at dinner? (Still hard to resist that cheesy grin though).

Jekyll: Caymbree LOVES this rocking chair in her room. If I can't find her, this is usually where she is. She will sit and rock herself for up to ten minutes.
Hyde: She is ALWAYS climbing up on the counters. This is how I found her the other day. Fully dressed, soaking wet, playing in the sink. Notice the empty container and the spilled cookies all over the counter. I'm still wondering just how many cookies she ate that morning.

Jekyll: I'd say she has the best manners in the house and is always the first to say "na-nu mommy." Seriously melts my heart.

Hyde: Stubborn as a mule. May be my worst one yet.
Jekyll: Loves to play in her room alone. First one ever.
Hyde: Determined. When she want something, good luck talking her out of it.
Jekyll: Loves to sing. Almost as much as Hope. Nothing makes me smile more than riding in the car, listening to music and hearing her sing the chorus. Today while listening to "Hey, there Delilah...." she broke out with "Ohhhhhh, dooooo me, Ohhhhh doooo me. (Oh, it's what you do to me, Oh, it's what you do to me). Ab-so-lute-ly priceless.
Hyde: Obsessed with coloring on walls. Sorry if she has got yours.
Jekyll: Loves her blankie. Key to her heart. She will cuddle with you forever as long as she has her blankie.
Hyde: Loves to empty drawers, cupboards, and toy boxes.
Jekyll: Sing the clean-up song and she is ALL over it.
Hyde: Caymbree's moto: "If it's mine....it's mine.
"If it's yours....it's mine.
"If I looked at it, touched it, or am thinking about it...it's mine."
Jekyll: She is learning new words every day. Is there anything better than hearing the new words of a toddler. Love it. Especially when she walks through the house yelling "Hopppeeeeeeeeee???" (I swore we would never let anyone call Hope "Hopeeeee" but it is too cute when Caymbree says it.)
Jekyll: She makes me smile EVERY SINGLE DAY. And what could be better than that?


Cathy said...

You just have to love her!!!!
What a kid. . .the poop thing is the worst though. I think taking pictures of these events helps to put some humor to it, because at the time, I'm not sure humor is not part of the emotion. I think we have to have the bad stuff to really enjoy,love, and recognize the good things our kids do.
By the way. . .did you have to google to see how to get poop out of the carpet?????

Amanda said...

She is so cute! She acts a lot like Zak. I think they may have the same grandma Susu. They have learned it all from her, j/k. But my dad keeps saying he does have the Walker in him. True but sometimes he is so bad I don't know how long I can take it. Dinner time is a mess at our house too. That is one thing Zak does ok but Quincy is a very messy eater.

smithfamilymoments said...

I think this stage is fun and crazy all at the same time. They really do grow too fast, I only wish we could press pause for a while. Caymbree and Ava sound like they could be great little partners in crime. Caymbree is looking more and more like hope by the minute. Jake was looking at her picture the other day, and he said there's HOPE!

slap said...

he-he I was laughing out loud at my computer. We all have one of those :) Just have fun with it, she'll be getting baptized before long!!! It goes way too fast. I never believed that until now I'm reading your posts and realizing that that was me a bit ago and now that part of my life is GONE :(
Enjoy those precious moments!

Tara Williams said...

Favorite post of all time!!! Probably because I have TWO Dr Jekyl/Mr Hydes. All I can say is "I feel ya, sister"!"

394bull said...

They won't REALLY appreciate you until they start a family of their own. Can you wait that long? It's great that you and Tara have cameras and take the time to verbalize and share your families and experiences with all of us. I am able to enjoy my grandkids dailey unlike the grandparents in generations before.