Thursday, August 28, 2008


So up until this point I have been saying that three kids hasn't been all that bad. In fact, it was a lot easier than I expected. I AM NOW OFFICIALLY RETRACTING THAT STATEMENT. Mostly in part to this one...

Now that Caymbree is mobile, into everything and extremely opinionated managing three kids has gotten a little more hectic. Good thing that she is a cute little stinker and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world... (although some days a big diet coke with fresh lime and a pedicure sounds like a pretty fair trade.)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Close Enough

Hope's words....
"Flushie" = Slushie = Slurpie as in "Can we get a flushie today?"
"Mistake" = steak as in "I don't want to eat my mistake tonight."
"Helmek" = helmet as in "Will you help me put on my helmek?"

And she paid Troy the ULTIMATE compliment yesterday when after hearing Hallee say, "Your the best dad ever" she added, "Ya. Your kinda like a dad-grandpa." Troy has never felt so flattered.

And we're OFF....

Off track that is. Yep. Three weeks on and now three weeks off. Most people steer clear of C track for this reason but I am actually kind of liking it. It was a great introductory period into "real school" for Hallee as well as myself and just when I sensed a little bit of overload from her we were able to take it easy once again. Now it's back to the pool, splash parks, and hopefully a few other adventures over the next couple of weeks before we willl be back at it all over again. Hope also starts preschool in September which means four hours a week with only ONE CHILD for me. Whoo-hooo!!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


There's just nothing quite like going home. Logan will always be home to me and last weekend we had a fabulous time hanging out with the family. We had a full schedule with the fair and rodeo on Friday night, playing in the canal and rope swing in my parents back yard on Saturday, along with Troy helping Rob and Rachel with some remodeling at their house and celebrating my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary that night. (And by the way...Rob (my little brother) and Rachel announced that they are expecting! Yeah!!!! That will bring the total grandchild count to 10!

"Just Love Each Other"

After 60 years of marriage you would think there must be some secret of success and according to my grandpa it's quite simple. "Just love each other." I guess when you really stop and think about it, it really is that simple. LOVE each other. Not tolerate each other, not live with each other but truly love each other. Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa for being such a wonderful example of an eternal marriage.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A day late and a dollar short

I'm not sure who came up with that phrase but in this instance it couldn't be more literal. I know it's somewhat lame of me to post this after the fact when no one can reap the benefits but I only found out about it late last night. At my first enrichment meeting one of the gals told us about the website and the screaming deals link. It takes the current ads and combines them with coupons (printable from website) to get you some good/great/and unbelievable deals. With Malt-O-Meal cereal on sale at Smith's for $4 for 4 combined with the coupons for $1.00 I was able to purchase EIGHT BAGS OF CEREAL FOR da, da, da DA..... $0.00. However, when I showed up at Smith's at 10:30pm on the last day of the sale they were of course sold out. So I headed to WalMart to price match. When the cashier rang me up and my total came to .25 cents she just kept saying, "Oh, this can't be right." But after verifying everything I walked out of the store with my eight bags of cereal and .25 cents out of my wallet. I have to admit it was kind of exhilarating.

So fellow penny pinchers who like good deals maybe we should keep tabs on this website. Next time I'll try to pass on the savings BEFORE the sale is over.

Friday, August 8, 2008


One word people.... SPECTACULAR. Actually, I don't even know if that does it justice. I could add amazing, beautiful, touching, emotional, television at it's best. If you missed the season finale of So You Think You Can Dance last night you missed one heck of a show. Un-be-liev-able!

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Ya. We've got problems. And we are trying to work through them but it's not going so well. We are all a little obsessed around here...
Caymbree: Caymbree is obsessed with the word (hmmm. "Word" doesn't quite describe it. Scream perhaps?) anyhow... Caymbree is obsessed with screaming "Moooooommmmmm" every few seconds. I should be flattered but I've learned it has nothing to do with me. I'm not even sure if she realizes that is my title. For her it's more of a way to get someones attention, to get noticed, to hear her own voice, OR to express frustration. It's kinda the catch phrase for EVERYTHING.
Hope: Still obsessed with gum. And gum. And yet more gum. The only time she isn't asking for gum is when she is eating string cheese; her second obsession.
Hallee: We lost Hallee a while ago when we finally broke down and got the Disney Channel. Our poor neglected child apparently has a LOT of catching up to do and if there is ever a spare second she is in front of the t.v.
Jami: Hello. My name is Jami. And I'm a Diet Coke addict.
Troy: Troy is obsessed with money. Clarification: Not Spending money. Nothing new.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Just when I am getting in the swing of things. Just when I am starting to really love the cute activity day girls and plan some fun activities. And then it comes. Only six months into the calling (and a year into my youth gospel doctrine teacher) I got the call into the Bishops office. I assumed it was to be released from one of the two callings so imagine my shock when I was called to be the second counselor in the Relief Society Presidency. I really don't have any idea what he said next because all I heard in my mind over and over again was "Enrichment, enrichment, enrichment." And then I got kind of nauseous....

So here I am begging for help. I need some fresh ideas. ANY ideas. What are some of your weekly small activities that have been successful? Great enrichment night ideas? Any strong medications you would recommend :)

I guess I'm jumping in with both feet but completely blindfolded. First activity is TONIGHT (approximately 48 hours since calling was issued). Oh, wish me luck.