Wednesday, July 23, 2008

We're getting older. We have a boat load of kids between us. A few of us even have some gray hair (okay just me but that's a whole other story). But Monday night we proved we were still young at heart by staying up until 4:30 in the morning, walking to Maverick at 1:30am, eating massive amounts of junk food without worrying about which body part it was going to permanently attach to and laughing so hard our cheeks hurt (and as far as I know we still all managed a little bladder control).

Thank you for a wonderful, fun-filled getaway. Till next time.....


Post-it Notes said...

Dontcha love those moments with old friends where you laugh uncontrollably and remember old times. Sounds like you guys had a blast!

JLJ said...

Whoohoo! Thanks for organizing this. I hope I didn't miss out on too much on Tuesday. Would you please email me some of the pictures..... I've got my own blog post to worry about.

BigEd said...

Sorry to have missed it, but glad to see you all together. I would also be interested in a transcript - particularly of all conversations after 12am.