Sunday, July 13, 2008

Hope Moments

A while back we were driving in the car when Hope asked
Hope: "Mom, are we made of meat?"
Me: "No."
H: "Yes we are."
Me: Hmmmmm. Where am I going to go with this one?
"Well, meat implies that something would eat us. We don't really need to worry about that so I don't think we are meat." At this point I am wondering what in the world sparked this conversation.
H: "Well, how come the lady at the zoo said we were meat then?" it's starting to all make sense.

Apparently my answer was not sufficient because a few nights later the conversation came up again. This time she took it up with her dad.

Hope: "Dad, are we made of meat?"
Troy, remembering the conversation I had told him about with Hope decided to take a different approach.
Troy: "No Hope. Heavenly Father created us from the dust and dirt of the earth.
Hope just starred at him dazed and confused. So Troy continued....
T: Heavenly Father took all of the elements of the earth and created man and woman.

At this point we thought Hope was content with the answer because she didn't say anything else for a minute. Then out of no where she said...

"So dad, are we really made out of elephants???? "

Troy didn't catch on until he started to repeat himself. "Hope, God took all the elements".... And then it hit both of us. And we couldn't stop laughing....l


smithfamilymoments said...

Jami that is way too funny. It is just such a hope thing to say. What a cutie. Just as funny is Troy's approach. Maybe a little advanced for a three year old. Hee-Hee.

Joni said...

Hope does have some funny comments. Steve was getting a kick out of her while we were at the cabin.

Post-it Notes said...

ELEPHANTS... that is hilarious! Must scrapbook that one!

Kelli said...

I love it. I laughed out loud! That is a good one.

Unknown said...

Ahhhh my little darling Hope. If ever I begin to forget the great wonders of the world, all I have to do is remember the imagination of my little granddaughters, and I laugh my head off!!

Grandma meat head

Tristen said...

Hope has got to be the funniest girl in the world. I love it.