Monday, June 2, 2008

Just another manic monday

Actually, today is the first day I can breath easy compared to the wild weekend we had. Hope started us out on the right note with probably her best HOPE MOMENT to date....

After walking in her room and discovering that Caymbree had pulled all the magnets off her magnet board she sighed in disgust, " Aggghhhhh.... I just cleaned this! SON OF A NUTCRACKER!" I could not stop laughing and when I finally composed myself enough to ask her where she had learned that from she said, "mom, you know. Elf says it when he gets hit in the face with a snowball." Too much. Too, too much.

Thursday night we saw lots of ticks on the clock go by as Hope spent most of the night coughing, coming in to talk to us, and at 3am declaring that she was done sleeping and ready to play.

Friday I got paid a $95.00 to watch the movie "Over the Hedge" SEVEN times. Yes, SEVEN. You're all ready to sign up for this job now aren't ya? Well, there is a catch. The job requires that you see more cleavage than you thought possible, hear the "F" word used as a noun AND a verb, confiscate notes that would make a stripper blush and hear "ewwwww" when you answer the question "how old are you?." Ah, the wondeful world of a substitute teacher.

Friday afternoon consisted of a fashion show practice for Hope and Hallee, straight home to get Hope in her dance costume, hair and make-up ready and off to her dance pictures where we stood in line for an hour, hoping and praying that nothing sets my extremely tired three year old off thus resulting in a waterwork of tears and destroying the make-up masterpiece I have just created. Also, just as crucial, preventing the $18.00 pair of tights from getting a snag or run. NOT an easy task!

Left there to go pick up a free dinner from Chipolte. Not overly impressed by the way. Stopped by the grocery store to get treats and drinks for Hope's soccer game on Saturday and finally walked in the door at 8:30pm exhausted and ready for bed.

SATURDAY morning. All the girls up and ready and off to Hope's soccer game at 9am. This time Hope did actually kick the ball a few times but still managed to pick the dandelions off the field. Rush home straight from there to get the girls "really" ready for the fashion show....

One of the young women asked my activity day girls to be part of a "MODESTY FASHION SHOW." She was so cute and asked Hope and Hallee and Trinity and Grace if they wanted to be part of it as well. Of course they did and thought they were SO grown up to get to do it. It was very cute!

We left the fashion show a little early to rush home and get Hallee in her costume, hair and make-up for her dance pictures. Then off to the studio for her glam shots :)

By 2pm we (meaning me and the girls - dad, MIA at work) got back home, I declared "quiet time" for all and crashed on the couch. (Did I mention we have all been sick this week?) By 3:30 quiet time was long over and I managed to plant a few more flowers with the help of Caymbree....

Back in the house for tub time, pj's and to bed early for the kids only to discover that the hour nap Hope had kept her up until 10pm. I, meanwhile spent the night preparing for my Sunday school lesson.

The End. Glad it's over.


Cathy said...

I'm exhauseted for you. A very busy weekend, but the girls look like the had a great time. Glad you are all feeling better.

Tara Williams said...

Geeeesh!!! And I thought MY life was crazy!!!

smithfamilymoments said...

Woman you are always going a million miles a minutes. Glad your all better, and that you have a minute to breath.

Lindsay said...

Okay wonder woman you put me to sham! I feel good if I get one thing on my list completed in a day, not twenty! You are amazing!

JLJ said...

Good grief! They say the "f" word in Utah? What has this world come to ?

I'm glad your crazy weekend is over. Now you can just sit around and relax.....right!

Kelli said...

My goodness, you've been busy! I'm glad for you it's over and that maybe you can have a little break?? Ya right, huh?

Unknown said...

Holly need to get a job so you can relax!!!! :)

With the price of gas no one would fault you if you ran out of gas.

Tristen said...

Isn't it amazing how crazy life can get? I hope you guys are all feeling better!

Tara said...

It is exhausting just to read it and I was there for half of that stuff. Do you think our life is too busy>@!!!??

Mindy said...

Oh Jami- how do you do it? I really start to feel overwhelmed when I read your blog and see all that you guys have going on. I think life is busy, and our kids haven't really even started any dance,sports, etc. Somehow you do it all and make it look easy!