Monday, June 23, 2008


Alright I know the blog world has come to a screeching halt with summer here but I need some help. Even from those of you who never leave a comment, I'm asking (politely) for your input. In July we have a few vacations which means I might actually have time to read a book or two again. Problem is, I don't want to waste my time on a mediocre book. I just finished The Host and despite some negative reviews I absolutely loved it and was quite intrigued with the story line. But now I need some recommendations. Any ideas?? Come on, I know your out there - just tell me your top favorites of all time. And I will even thank you in advance.


Heather said...

When I find one I will let you know! I am looking for the same thing. I did just read I Am a Mother by Jane Clayson Johnson and it was a really good book but it is really short. I read it on an airline flight so it won't take long but is worth reading sometime.

Tristen said...

I am glad to hear that you liked The Host. I am reading it now, just about 80 pages into it. I usually take my book advice from others as well, my mom is reading a good one, that's posted on her blog, so check that out.

Kelli said...

Hey Jami,
I read all the time.....well used to at, I might be able to help??? What kind of book do you want? Easy, fun books that don't make you think too hard or something a little more deep? I've been into the young adult books lately actually. They're a lot cleaner but still really fun. I just read the Uglies, Pretties etc. series and liked them. I love historical fiction too. There is a series called the "Zion Chronicles" and the "Zion Covenant" series that are probably some of my favorite books. They aren't LDS books even though they sound like it. I think the Zion Covenant series comes first. I'll keep thinking of my other favorites. "I am a Mother" is a great book too!

Brittney said...

you've probably read it already, but i LOVED "these is my words." i'm working on elie wiesel's "night" right now and am intrigued (it's about the holocaust...the author was a teenage jew at the time and survived), although it just might be too much for my heart. i'll have to check out "the host." have fun on your vacations!

BigEd said...

I just read The Other Boleyn Girl which I thought was really interesting. The movie was awful, book is pretty good.

tAy-Team said...

My all time favorite book besides the Book of Mormon is Uncle Tom's Cabin. You've probably read it already. I didn't read this historical novel until a few years ago and I fell in love with Uncle Tom his ability to sacrifice himself for his friends. Where are you going on vaycay? Have a great time!!!