Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Looks Who's Walking!

Okay, try not to get a neck cramp while watching our cute little Caymbree cruise on her own. I forgot that I can't rotate the image when I take video on my regular camera but you'll still get the idea.

She started walking about a week ago but it seemed as if she didn't want anyone to notice. Every time we would acknowledge it she would sit on her bum as fast as she could. Finally last Thursday she took off and hasn't stopped since. I have to say I'm happy we are on to this next milestone. I'm not big on the whole crawling thing. They always seem filthy, it's hard on the clothes and walking just seems a lot easier.


Kelli said...

It's so cute when they first start walking. I miss that! Looks like she's got it down! Very cute!

Brooke said...

I can't believe it!!!! Holy cow! Where does the time go??

Tara Williams said...

Yay!!! Isabelle just started a few weeks ago but she is unsure about the whole thing. She does good until she realizes what she's doing, and then she falls down. :)

Post-it Notes said...

What a big girl!! She should still be a tiny baby.