Monday, December 10, 2007

Let them be little

I've encountered an interesting and unexpected dilemma this Christmas. I find myself struggling with what to get Hallee. As she enters her sixth year of life I notice her teetering between a little girl and a (what do you call 6-10 year olds)? Her wish list this year spans from the Cheetah Girls, Hanna Montana, and HSM all the way down to the Littlest Pet Shop toys. I have to smile at the picture of Troy Bolton hanging on her wall but I can't refrain from thinking about covering it up with a Hello Kitty poster instead. I know it is only a matter of time before an I-pod and cell phone make their way onto her list so this year I made a conscious decision to let her be little for what I hope is not the last time. Bring on the Littlest Pet Shops!


Brooke said...

I feel your pain, Jami. It gets even trickier when the younger sibling wants what the older one wants. For example. Both Owen and Bennett want Gameboys and snowboards. Yikes! It's not just sad for them to want more grown up stuff; it's expensive!!! Maybe your girls are separated enough in age that they don't want all the same stuff?? Anyway, they grow up too fast, don't they? It's crazy.

JLJ said...

I hear you. #1 is still so naive to the ways and things of the world. I'm sure all that will change next year when she starts school