Sunday, October 30, 2011

Fall Fun!!

We LOVE fall. Can't get enough of it actually. And yet it always seems to go by way too fast. So we try to make the best of it and take in everything it has to offer.

Last Sunday was our Stake Conference which meant earlier church and no meetings for Troy leaving us an entire day to spend as a family. So we took a drive up Little Cottonwood canyon and let nature be our guide. It was absolutely breathtaking!

Caymbree's preschool had a field trip to Cornbelly's. It was a beautiful warm day and the kids loved it. I think the highlight was this corn box (corn kernels instead of sand).


While in Logan for UEA weekend my mom and I met up with my cousin and took all the kiddos to the Pumpkin Patch.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOVE the pictures. Love the new blog design too!