Sunday, September 25, 2011

Caymbree moments

Oh man. Hope gets a lot of attention around her for the funny things she says and does but Caymbree has started to join the ranks. How have I not written them down??? So here I am trying to rack my brain to remember all of them. I'll do my best.

1) After a rough day of her harassing her sisters I finally put her to bed and sat down to have a little chat about being kind to her sisters. She got pretty teary eyed, held up her hand to stop me from talking any further and then replied in a chocked up voice, "First dub all, dey driving me nuts!"

2) Screaming at me from the top of the stairs, "MOOOOOMMMMMMM!!! I can't find the other half of my zucchini!!!!!" I think the word you're looking for is tankini there.

3) A common phrase we hear from her lately is "Whew! Dat went well!" or "Criminey!"

4) And finally the kicker the other day was when out of nowhere she walked up all serious and said, "Oh man! I sink I'm gonna cry. Our baby dat died in the woods, it's just so sad." What the what????


JLJ said...

She is a character! You are always so good at capturing your kid's voices into words.

I loved going over your last posts and seeing all your fun summer pictures! Glad I wasn't on the trampoline with you guys - it looks like someone ended up topless!

The Lively's said...

LOL! She is such a cutie! We loved having her here the other day. She is always welcome at our boy infested house any day!!!