Sunday, September 25, 2011

A child's prayer

The BIG GUY upstairs is really getting a earful these days from our Miss Rose. She is taking the whole idea of talking to Him like he is your best friend to a whole new level and you never quite know what she might say. I can't tell you how many times Troy and I sneak a quiet glance and smile at each other during her prayers. So cute. So tender. So bizarre and random sometimes. She usually gets in all the regulars... "peas bess us dis day to hav a good night" (way to kill two birds with one stone there - doesn't matter what time of day it is), and "peas help us to be nice and lisen to our moms and dads (apparently she has more than one set of those). But on top of that we always get some curious thoughts as well. Here's just a few
-"Peas bess dat we don't poke each other in the eye"
-"bess that my mom won't forget to come to my room and tuck me in again" -(What in the world??)
- "Jovie my best friend and we are going to pay tomorrow cause I miss her and her mom and dad and her sissers." (good to know I guess)
- " My sissers are mean sometimes" (just in case He didn't know)
- "I love my dolls, and my pillow, and my cup, and my...(opens her eyes and lists everything within sight)

Seriously cute people.

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