Sunday, September 25, 2011

Big Day and Big Changes

I sent my Miss Caymbree off to her second year of preschool. It was a BIG day for both of us. Big for her because it's another step of growing up. Big for me because it is the first time in YEARS that all my children are out of the house (even if it is only for two hrs/3 days a week). I have been dreaming of this moment. A few coveted hours to myself. Time to grocery shop, run errands, clean, work on projects, or heck, even take a nap if I want without any kids or distractions. This is HUGE people. I wasn't sure what to do first!

As the day came I found that excitement a little muted. This is my baby! My buddy and friend. I came to the realization that our precious time alone together is quickly going to pass. And I'm not going to lie...I was a little sad. Caymbree has been so fun and I LOVE our time together. She is pretty chill and low maintenance and requires very little of me. She usually grabs her dolls or barbies and just hangs out by me playing quietly with her toys for hours. She loves to chit chat while we are out running errands and somehow always manages to sway me to stop and buy a treat somewhere. I'll have to admit not having her on my errands HAS saved me some money :)!

It's so fun to watch her grow up but a little emotional at the same time. I've never been one to cry as they send their kiddos off to school but sending Caymbree off to kindergarten next year just might do it to me. What has been a fun and exciting new adventure for my other children has a entirely different feeling with my baby knowing that it marks the end of an era in our lives. Somebody better grab me some tissues....

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