Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Gratitude Entry #2

Another morning. Another predictable routine. I suppose that's what I should be grateful for. Predictability. At least when it comes to Hope. I wake up Hope. I lay out her clothes for the day. She complains about her clothes for the day. She gets dressed. She complains about how it feels or doesn't feel. I ignore. She complains. I state that she can come out of her room when she is done complaining. She eventually does. We do her hair. She makes faces in the mirror as she tugs and pulls on her clothes. One last warning. AND were done. She's over it.

So, I'm grateful that it's predictable but even more grateful that it is short lived. And as I asked Hope if it was really necessary to complain about everything she puts on she informed me that she hadn't complained about the white undershirt. Oh goodie. So I'm grateful that she doesn't complain about everything.

Hope is grateful that Thanksgiving is coming soon. When I asked her why she looked at me like I was an idiot and said, Uh.....the yummy FOOD?!!!! Of course. Imagine my embarrassment.

Hallee is grateful for good friends, Trinity, Jane and Sarah to be exact. In fact, we have had some great chats around this neck of the woods as Hallee is starting to realize the importance of good friends. If this can only last!!!!

1 comment:

smithfamilymoments said...

Jami that is such a great idea. Focusing on the things we are grateful for can make a huge impact on one's attitude and perspective. Something I need to work on. Wow, hope and Jake sound a lot alike, only Jake is so much more persistent. His episodes are definitely NOT short lived. If only they were! Have a great day.