Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A bowl full of gratitude

I'm sitting here eating my bowl of cereal {banana nut granola to be exact} and realizing that it is NOVEMBER!!!!! Holy Cow people!!!! You do realize this means there are only 53 days left until Christmas!!!! And that means it's time to feel jolly right?? I felt a little whiny last month but it is officially the start of the holiday season and orneriness will no longer be allowed! SOOOOOOO....in between bites of Honey Combs and granola the girls and I decided to be grateful for all that we have. And we are going to document it. Day by day, bit by bit. Not sure exactly how it is going to work but we'll just play it by ear. So off we go....

Hallee is grateful "to get to go to school today because it's fun to learn."

Hope is grateful for "my family because they are nice and play with me."

Caymbree is grateful to still be in bed sleeping! (Whoot whoot!!)

Oh wait. Mr. T just walked in. He's greatful for "beautiful surroundings". Anyone else want clarification? He's still dazed and confused about what I am asking him to do here. Maybe he'll get better.

And I am grateful for .....drumroll..... I'll go with my little brother ROB aka FLOB, or Ro-dog. Since it is his BIRTHDAY TODAY!! Happy Birthday to the best little brother in the world! We miss you and wished we lived closer. As the baby of the family Rob had the uncanny ability to get me to do just about anything he wanted growing up. He pretty much had me wrapped around his little finger. Don't worry over the years I have learned to resist his puppy dog pleas (ok not really but I'm trying). Anyway. Thinking of my little bro does make me a tad bit sad that my girls will probably never get to experience this type of relationship. But this is about grateful right!!!

Happy Birthday Rob!!!!

(Rob and wife Rachel)

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