Friday, October 15, 2010

test. test. hello???

So I am seriously thinking about getting Hope's hearing tested. The girl is constantly saying things that are about half correct. Like the other day she was walking around singing (to the tune of Mary had a little lamb), "Mary was a little man. Little man. Little man." At first I thought she was just trying to be funny or had heard some spin off version at school. But she was dead serious and even challenged me on it when I tried to correct her. He he he....

She also told Caymbree the other day in quite a serious tone that she was going to "beat the guitar out of her!" {Editors Note: Mr. T. often jokes with the kids in wrestle time that he is going to beat the tar out of them}. Watch out for that guitar Caymbee. It could be deadly!!

Oh I wish I could remember the others right now. I'll have to add them when my brain is functioning at full capacity. But the thought is still there that her hearing might need to be tested. At age four I took Hallee in worrying that she was going deaf only to find out that due to incredibly enlarged adenoids and fluid in her ears she WAS in fact operating at a 80% hearing loss. Poor kid. Pretty sure I had spent a good six months yelling at her for not listening to me! Whoops.


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh. I just about lost my breath laughing!

Unknown said...

This reminds me a story about someone singing a song. The correct words were “wife of a close friend" and the person was singing "life of a close pin".