Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Girly Girl

Miss Caymbree is SUCH a girly-girl. She loves pink, high heel shoes, dress-ups, curly hair, purses lip gloss and shoes. What more can a girl want?

Recently she has started asking me to curl her hair "like Hallee's". Kinda tricky when you are the proud owner of a serious mullet! However, she LOVES it. She kept asking me to take her picture so she could look at from all angles. Seriously. Is she too cute or what!
Got the curls now add the purse. The girl does not go ANYWHERE without it. This includes when she goes to bed! It is full of lip gloss (five of them last time I checked) and occasionally a few treats. (By the way - if you are missing your lip gloss I'm pretty sure I know where to check). She is growing up SOOOO fast and we are all madly in love with her. She cracks us up by the minute.

She was invited to her first birthday party last week and she was beyond excited. It was so surreal for me to drop her off all by herself. Where did the time go?

She came home and immediately started telling me her list of friends that she wanted to invite to her birthday party. I wasn't really planning on doing a friend party for her this year but look at that face. Seriously. Who could resist? Guess we better start planning....


Heather said...

You definitely have 3 girly girls!!:) I always have to look twice because I think she looks so much like Hope!

JLJ said...

Where did our "babies" go? She is so grown up and darling.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad someone out there is still blogging! Your girls are so dang cute! I'm with ya on the kids day...sounds like fun. Love the cast!

Unknown said...

I agree that Caymbree looks so much like Hope...but with blond hair. Geez, what a little doll!