Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Learned a lot from my children and hubby today. Sometimes I wish I could be just like them. Take for instance...

Caymbree just lays it all out there. When life isn't going just how she thinks it should - she let's you know. Like a massive meltdown in Walmart. Or another one in the car. And yet another one at home. And then they pass just as quick as they came. I'm a little jealous. I can think of a time or two that I would like nothing more than to throw myself down on the floor, roll around in a pool of tears and scream as loud as I can. And then I'd be over it.

Amidst a sea of anxiety ridden grocery shopping women, Hope skipped all the way through Walmart. Cast and all. Not a care in the world. Completely oblivious to all the smiling onlookers. And I was jealous. So carefree and full of life. So quick to make people smile.

Hallee came home from school today and sometime between her snack and homework decided to unleash her orneriness on me. I let her have it and reminded her who was boss. If roles were reversed I would have held a grudge. A big one. Instead she showed up to dinner with a card in hand. It read " I know I was being bad and I'm rilly sorry and I fill gelty." And I felt jealous. Jealous of her sweet forgiving little soul that I had yelled at earlier.

Right now as we speak Troy is on the floor with all three of his girls piled on top. It's that time again...their nightly "wrestle". Caymbree is squealing in delight. Hope can't stop giggling. And Hallee's "fiercely" fighting back in between gut wrenching laughs and screams. I'm secretly jealous. I'm jealous of that daddy-daughter bond. I'm jealous of Troy's ability to play.

Thanks fam. For just being you.


Unknown said...

And I am jealous of your ability to put into words emotions we feel and never can express. You are an amazing woman. Never ever forget how remarkable you are.
Love you tons!

Joni said...

How true! Why can't we mom's have those moments? It's no wonder that we are told to be as little children...they remind us of what's most important in life!