Hope: "So mom, what day's is Children's Day?"
Me: " Hope, everyday is children's day."
Hope: "No mom. I mean the REAL children's day. Like the day when everybody gives you cards and tells you how much they love you."
Apparently seeing how spoiled and loved I was on Mother's day sparked a desire to have a day of her own. Interestingly enough Troy and I had planned to surprise the girls with a night at Chuck-E-cheese the next day so whalaa---Children's Day it is.
And one more thought...perhaps Hope is on to something. A special day designated for each child that is not about the gifts and balloons but more about honoring that child. I think we might just have to try it. We could make them "Queen for the day" with cards, meals of choice, lunch with mom/dad at school, ....hmmmm think of the possibilities. I'm thinking their half b-day's would be an easy way to designate the day. I think I have some planning to do.
Ahhhh, what a nice white eyed Mommy you are. :)
So funny! Brooklynn asked me the SAME question after Mother's Day and I told her the SAME thing..."Everyday is children's day". For instance, wouldn't it be nice if we moms got a peice of chocolate for each day we didn't get in trouble at school???? Yeah??
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