Monday, December 14, 2009


Hallee lost another tooth the other day and right before bed I saw her writing this note to leave under her pillow...

Translation: I want $10 for my (tooth) because Im running out of money and my friend got $10. Thank you.

The tooth fairy responded..

FIVE BUCKS!!!! Who gets five bucks??? And even more so, what kid gets TEN BUCKS for a tooth?? Don't worry. I left a note for that dang tooth fairy myself!


Heather said...

I guess it didn't hurt to ask!!:) She would have been one lucky girl if that was all it took:)

JLJ said...

There is something to be said for laying it all out on the table, but seriously, $10? - was it a gold tooth?

Renzello said...

That's funny! I know a girl, in my ward that got $100 (by accident). Her mom grabbed a bill from her purse, and forgot she had a $100 bill in there. She thought she only had $1 bills!! Lucky girl!

Josie said...

I have a note just like that that I left for my "tooth fairy". Unfortunately I got the same type of response...I'll have to show it to ya:) Hallee's a girl after my own heart.

The Lively's said...

LOL!!! :)

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh! That is hilarious! I guess I know what Grandma will give her for her birthday. After all, a gal can't run out of money as long as we have checks, right?