Oh I don't even know where to begin. Maybe that's why this post is LONG, LONG overdue. I mean what is there to say when your husband gets laid off from work. That's exactly what happened 3 1/2 months ago when (in my eyes) our world was turned upside down temporarily. However, I am happy to announce that he is once again EMPLOYED!!! It has been an incredible journey and I cannot believe I am saying this but one we would not trade for the world. We have been so incredibly blessed through this experience and I want to make sure I record my thoughts and feelings about our story.
So many lessons were learned along the way. FIRST, the Lord works in mysterious ways. A few months before Troy lost his job he started talking about wanting to find a job that would be more conducive to family life. In our 13 years of marriage he has worked nights and weekends all but about three of those years. We started asking in our prayers to find opportunities that would allow this schedule to change.
Be careful what you pray for.
SECOND, people are unbelievable generous and kind. We were completely overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support from our friends, family and neighbors. It was truly amazing and humbling. We were provided countless dinners, treats and gifts left on our doorstep numerous times, anonymous gift cards in our mailbox, hours and hours of babysitting while I worked and on and on. On one particular day we got the news that a job that had basically been promised to Troy had fallen through. It was devastating. We firmly believe that it was not coincidence that a neighbor showed up on our doorstep a few hours later with an incredibly generous gift and card to let us know they were thinking about us.
I believe in angels.THIRD, so many tender mercies from the Lord. Like how a painter was scheduled to come finish our basement the very next day after we got the axe. It would have taken a big chunk out of our savings and made things a lot more stressful! The timing was perfect. Or how Troy had his car up for sale for a few weeks before the "day" but we really hadn't received many calls on it. However, three days later a lady called, looked at it, and bought it for the FULL asking price. Or how I have judged more competitions this year than I EVER have and just happened to actually SAVE the money (this is a miracle in itself!). Or, how I was able to start substitute teaching the very next day and pretty much every day thereafter to provide a little bit of income for our family.
We have been truly blessed.
FOURTH, my husband is the ultimate optimist!!! His faith is unbelievable.
He is my rock! I, on the other hand had a few rough moments but I am a woman and I am allowed to be a little more emotional about the situation right??
FIFTH, We were not alone in our journey. We found out really fast that we were not the only ones in this predicament and know so many people in our same situation or other situations of financial stress. It was a wonderful support group and comfort. For those of you still there
please know we pray for you by name. SIXTH. Trials come in all shapes and sizes.
I will stick with mine.
Ironically, in a matter of two days Troy received two and two 1/2 job offers. The two "1/2" offers basically told him that they had chosen him but the process was going to take a little longer than they expected. One of those is his "first" choice and the concrete offer was his "second" choice. The blessings poured in that day.
For now Troy has started with a company that does corporate finance. He is really enjoying it and says it is a great company to work for. And most of all, it provides the kind of schedule we have been praying for.
A mere "thank you" does not do justice to what we owe so many of you out there. But I'm not sure anything would be adequate. Please know that your kindness, love and generosity have changed us forever.
And we will forever be grateful.