Sunday, May 10, 2009


Hallee had her dance competition at LAGOON yesterday and as far as the competition went...not so hot. Lagoon however was a big hit as usual.
We had to have Hallee AT Lagoon ready to perform by 7am Saturday morning. This meant we had to get all the kiddos up at 5:30am! It was freezing and total chaos. To make a long story short the girls were rushed on stage and looked like they were in a state of confusion. Not their best performance but they still had fun.
Our friends little girl woke up in the middle of the night with a raging fever so Troy got to live out his dreams with two wives and five daughters for the day :)

Caymbree is completely terrified of rides (including the swings at the park) so anytime we got her even close to a ride she would start to come unglued. Finally after watching her sisters do the bumper cars she got brave enough to go on one with Hope. Then she got a little braver and decided to try it by herself. What a mistake. Every time the ride stopped and we tried to get her out of the car she would kick and scream through the entire line until it was her turn again. Luckily, the lines were short.

Most of the time she would just turn in a circle over and over and over again. But she never got bored with it. I think we ended up going on this ride at least five times.
Towards the end of the day I tricked Caymbree onto this ride. As soon as we sat down she started screaming. I think she held her breath the entire ride! Once we got off I asked her if she had fun and she said, "Yeah." But when I asked her if she wanted to do it again it was a definite "NO!"
It ended up being the perfect temperature and the kids loved it! And I quite enjoyed the toe touch contest that Troy and Tara decided to have in the middle of the park. For more pictures you can check out Hallee's blog here.


Heather said...

Looks like a lot of fun! It was a nice day to be outside!!

Amanda said...

Looks like you guys had a ton of fun. I am sure Troy loved every minute of it. If he is anything like Nate he would go to watch the girls and then leave. Lagoon will be missed by us this year. Your girls are so cute and Hallee's extention is great! Talk to you soon.

Tara said...

It was such a fun Day, thanks for letting me be a tag along.

Bonnie said...

What a cute bunch of girls, and a cute Mom too. Looks like you have been busy and having fun too!

Mrs. Budge said...

Sounds like it ended up being a fun day, wish I could have been Troy's third wife that day rather than judging all day.