Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day to Me!

So Hallee helped Troy pull it off. The best Mother's Day ever! It started with a gourmet breakfast in bed with pancakes, eggs and toast followed by a plethora of handmade gifts from the girls.
The girls have been whispering secrets all week and working frantically behind closed doors on their craft projects just for me. You can't really see it from the picture above but there were A LOT of pictures and projects. Hope made me an entire book but my favorite is the one below. When I asked her what it was she said, "It's you mom. You're golfing." Ahhhh. Makes perfects sense. (Since I have never picked up a golf club in my life.)
Troy took over the duties for the day and let me indulge myself in laziness. He cooked all the meals, cleaned up afterwards, kept the kids busy and happy and anything else I chose not to do today.
Hallee is now the official party planner and kept Troy on his toes all day making sure they did any and everything to pamper me. In fact, Hallee even fixed me a diet Coke and had it sitting by the computer when I went upstairs to blog. Love it!

I am truly one lucky mom to have such an amazing husband and children who went above and beyond to make sure I had a wonderful mothers day. And wonderful it truly was! The only thing that would have made it any better would be to have been to share it with our own mothers who are both amazing women! We love you both and wish we could have seen you today. Happy Mother's day!


Kelli said...

Wow- you did score today! Let's see...Brian made mozzarella sticks and ice cream for dinner. That ALMOST compares to your day right? What sweet girlies you have. Boys (at least mine) just don't think that way. Ya, I get the cards from school and scouts and stuff, but it's more like they are forced into doing those things! Ha-ha! What a difference! Although, Derek did write in a little letter he made at school that I was as pretty as gold and I weigh 500 pounds and am 10 1/2 feet tall! So ya, I'm feeling pretty special! Happy Mothers day!

smithfamilymoments said...

Happy Mothers day Jamie! Sounds like you had a great day. Aren't the kids home-made presents seriously the best. They are my favorite part!! Cute picts.

Heather said...

Sounds like it was a perfect day!! Happy Mother's Day:)

Tiffany G said...

I think this is a sign that you should take up golf! Happy Mother's Day!

Tara said...

SO cute I love how much effort they put into it. What a cute little family you are love you guys.

JLJ said...

I love the homemade gifts and pictures. Troy always pulls through for you - and it sounds like Hallee isn't ever going to let him forget!

Tristen said...

Score on the mother's day! I guess it pays to have all girls! I love all the homemade gifts.

BigEd said...

What lucky girls to know that their dad loves you so much! They are all adorable, and your Mother's Day sounds just lovely, right down to the diet Coke and time to blog ; )

Unknown said...

Wow, I too loved all the handmade gifts. In fact, I still have some very special items displayed 30 years later. Some gifts can never have a price tag.

Happy Mother's Day to a wonderful young Mother.
All my love,
Grandma Susu

Josie said...

Oh my heck that picture hope drew for you cracks me up. She has quite the imagination. Looks like lagoon was a blast! Cute pics