Thursday, May 7, 2009

Hello Sun...we've missed you!

Ever since the sun has made its debut my girls have been BEGGING to turn on the sprinklers. Let me remind you...sun does not necessarily mean heat! For the past month I have had daily conversations with the girls about how 60 degree weather is not conducive to water fun! Finally, yesterday I had heard enough and let them have at it.
What posers!!!
I was convinced that they would be complaining about it being too cold within a matter of minutes but they proved me wrong. They loved ever second of it!


Jami said...

I hope it was warmer in your neck of the woods than it was here. I couldn't get warm enough yesterday.
I think those girls have reptile blood in them. It does look like they are having a great time.

Heather said...

I have been freezing with that wind!! I can't believe they ran through the sprinklers and look like it is 90 degrees outside:) Hope has that dance pose down!!:)

frankie said...

The sun shing didnt make me run down and buy a mumu. If I couldnt get a picture of my pose. They that down just perfect' love youGrandma

Unknown said...

Well, you all can come to Phoenix. It was 105 today and believe it or not, the pool is still to cold to get in the water. Honest!!!!
The girls would love it and so would we.
Love and miss you,
Grandma Susu