Saturday, February 21, 2009

Saved by G&G

We are SO NOT a one car family. And yet, we often find ourselves in that particular situation. It all stems from my husbands inability to keep a car for more than about a year. Half the time he puts our cars up for sale, forgets to tell me and the first I hear about it is when someone calls with questions about "the car you have for sale."

Well, this last week he decided to put his car up for sale and within a few days it sold leaving us with only one car. This meant on some days I was loading the girls in the car at 6:30am to take Troy to work and/or loading them back in the car at 9:30pm to go pick him up. On days he had auction I would be left without a car all together. I'm not whining (ok, maybe a little) but I was a little worried about how long we would be able to pull it off. That's where Grandpa Tom and Grandma Diane stepped. They where gracious enough to loan us one of their cars for a while until Troy finds another one. I AM SO GRATEFUL!!!! It has made life so much easier on ALL OF US!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Grandpa sporting Hope's Hanna Montana wig
They also came bearing gifts for the girls. As if loaning us their car wasn't enough! The girls love their Disney characters and sleep with them every night.


Heather said...

You wouldn't think right now that cars would be selling so fast but we sold our car a week ago (in less than a week on KSL). Luckily we found what we wanted the next day:) Nice you can borrow until you figure out what to get! I don't know how we would survive either with one car (I would be doing exactly what you have been doing, not fun with little kids)!!:)

Tara said...

NICE, aren't parents great!! Love the disney friends, that is so fun for the kiddos.

JLJ said...

Ugh. One car sucks. That is so nice to get a loaner!

Unknown said...

That is so sweet of Grandpa and Grandma to lend you a car and bring gift too!

slap said...

gotta love family that takes care of each other!!!!

slap said...

p.s. love the wig Grandpa Tom!!! he-he