Wednesday, February 25, 2009


So what's up with the date??? Um, that would be the EXPIRATION date on the sore throat spray Troy has been using all week. Is that a problem???
My sister (aka the expiration date nazi) may just go into heart failure when she reads this. She is the type that throws things out BEFORE the expiration date just to be safe.

Anyhow, I think my house needs to be quarantined. Seriously. It was just a few weeks ago that I had strep throat and felt better for about two and half weeks before coming down with a major cold. You know the one that starts in your head and sinuses, works it's way down to your nose where you can't breath and then breaks up into your chest. Ya, that kind. Just about the time I started to feel like maybe I could function again Troy and the girls (ALL THREE OF THEM) start coming down with it. Hope and Hallee have managed to only get the mellow version, Caymbree worries me, and Troy...well deathbed is a very appropriate word here. He has been down and out for the past FOUR days with no end in sight. Ughhhhhhhh..... I need a vacation.

Okay, enough whining. On to a more positive note. My dad had meetings down here yesterday so my parents were able to spend the day with us and hang out. We went to Paradise Bakery & Cafe for lunch (Oh, so yummy!) and then stopped by our favorite dessert shop. You can NOT come down to this area without stopping by NOTHING BUNDT CAKES and trying one of their cakes. Oh my, oh my they are amazing. Check out the link to see what they really look like. It makes me happy just thinking about them.


Tara Williams said...

Oooohhh my gosh!!! I absolutely HATE those times. It feels like your house has been invaded by an invisible army! All I can say is pray, pray, pray and bust out the Lysol wipes and bleach!

jgalke said...

Whoa! That label on that spray gave me the chills. It's probably already given him brain damage (tell him - i'm sure he'll be happy). Sorry you guys have been so sick. We are just starting it here - 2 down and 2 to go!

Unknown said...

That was so funny, I needed a good laugh and Troy is ALWAYS good for one!!! I am sorry that you guys have had the gamboo this year. It sounds like you really do need to disinfect your house and start over. I think if those cakes are as good as you say they are I need to come down and try one. I am going to be in Salt Lake tomorrow, I might have to swing by........

Adree said...

no wonder you guys are always sick, your medications that are supposed to be helping are intoxicating you. I think I need to come over and start throwing stuff away :)

Heather said...

I hope you guys start getting better! We have had problems since the beginning of January and are finally all getting better (after many trips to the doctor and lots of prescriptions)!! I just heard about those cakes:) I am going to have to try one!

Anonymous said...

You do need a vaca. Or at least a girls night out! This time of year is just so darn hard!!!! When is spring coming?!

smithfamilymoments said...

So sorry to hear you all have the yucks! As soon as one person gets it, it's usually downhill from there. The rest of the family usually gets it too. Thank goodness for bundt cakes to make everything better. I have never tried one, but think they look mighty tasty. Hope you're all feeling better soon.

JLJ said...

Milk expiring and throat spray expiring are two entirely different things. As long as your throat spray was kept in a cool dark place I would totally still use it. Most of the time things like that only have expiration dates to fulfill FDA minutia - it really doesn't affect the product, maybe only make it weaker, but not harmful. Sorry you guys are sick. That cakes looks tasty. We have a NBC shop here but I've never tried it. Now I'll have to!

Larsen's! said...

no worries, Jami - I sprayed throat spray in Nick's throat the other morning and we noticed the exp date was 1/2004. Wow!!! I also have an exp nazi in the house...ALLIE!!! Nick wanted the spray - Allie would've died before she'd take it, becuz of course, the fact that it has exp would have killed her anyway, right??!

Brittney said...

sorry to say this, but it's true: i'm happy we're not the only house that lives in a constant state of the Yucks this winter. for real, it's getting ridiculous. if that throat spray works, though, i'm going to have to get my own 5-year-old bottle of the stuff. maybe ebay? :)

hope you guys feel better. i'll join you on your mental vacation.

slap said...

Okay....this is cracking me up!!! A couple weeks ago I got pink eye. When the kids were little I kept the drops around because we were always getting it!! So automatically I go searching for the remedey!! Well I found it, 2002. YIKES!!!! I still used it!! I wouldn't have dared put it in my kids eyes, but I don't need to see right!!??!!! Love it!!

slap said...
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