Saturday, November 1, 2008

Time to put away the costumes

Time to pack up the costumes and say goodbye to Halloween 08. We had tons of fun, the costumes got plenty of use, we have enough candy to feed a small country and the kids have now officially been on a sugar high for over 36 hours. I'd say it was a success.

With the exception of a few raindrops the weather could not have been more perfect. It was BEAUTIFUL! I think we have mastered the art of trick-or-treating by intertwining a progressive dinner with the trick-or-treating. Makes it enjoyable for all!!! Till next year....


smithfamilymoments said...

Hello- Looks like you guys had a successful, wonderful Halloween. Was it seriously not the most perfect trick or treat weather. I loved it. Now I just have to brace myself for the cold spell coming soon. Hey I have to tell you, I tried to download my blog info from blurb and guess what, they no longer support blogger and say that they will not be any time in the near future. I was so bummed!!!!! I am wondering if you are still able to upload you new blog entries with the old version of the software that you've already downloaded? Sorry this is so long. Well chat later. Have a great day!

JLJ said...

Trick or treating/progressive dinner? What a great idea!