Sunday, November 30, 2008

Still Alive and kick'n

Yes I am still here. Last time I went this long without posting I started receiving phone calls to see if I was alive, depressed or sick. So to my few faithful is good, all is well, just busy as all heck! :) (stay tuned for more details).

We celebrated THANKSGIVING with Tom and Diane and her family in Roy. Talk about a celebration! They had arts and crafts, a Wii room, Thanksgiving BINGO, Spoons, and enough food to feed a small country.

We then headed to Logan to do our pre-shopping game plan. With our lists and ads in hand we were ready! We sent Troy to Kohls at 3am for a projector machine but 3am apparently early enough. My mom, Adree and I headed to Walmart at 4:00 for a plethora of items. Troy caught up with us there for reinforcement and then headed to Home Depot. We continued on to Kmart and Kohls and were home by 7am.

Friday afternoon the guys did some four wheeling in the mountains and then met up with us to see the movie Twilight. No need for a movie review, you can decide for yourself.
At my parents house we had lots of laughs watching people play the Wii, and plenty of R & R and cuddle time.
Saturday was spent hanging up Grandma Larsen and great Grandma and Grandpa Smith's Christmas decorations.

Love the Holidays. The food, family and fun. What's not to love?


Bonnie said...

Love all the pictures. I know grandma and grandpa loved having everyone decorate and that they will really enjoy the decorations because they love the holidays so much. THANKS to all of you, many hands make little work!

smithfamilymoments said...

I'm so sad I didn't get to see you more. I pooped out on the 4 in the morning shopping. My warm bed was just too inviting. Fun times!!

Heather said...

Looks like so much fun!! I love your new family picture:)

JLJ said...

What a great holiday! Especially the shopping. I didn't get to do much this year (or last year actually). So I'm a bit jealous about that. I'm staying tuned to find out about all the other things you haven't blogged about yet.

And I regret that I won't be able to make the craft fair. Please accept my apologies. I wish I could make it :)