Thursday, November 6, 2008

And History is Made.....

No, the outcome wasn't what I wanted but I can't overlook the fact that another page in our history has been turned. This is what history is made of. One day our children will come home from school and ask us if we remember when the first African American was elected President of the United States. And oh, what stories we will have to tell. But considering that there are days I can't even remember my own children's names I figured I needed to preserve some of my thoughts and feelings about the Presidential Election 2008.
* A few facts: Barack Obama won the election with 364 electoral votes compared to John McCain's 162 electoral votes. The popular vote was less severe with 52% for Obama and 46% for McCain. Interesting Propositions were on the table. In California Proposition 8 to ban same sex marriage was passed but only with 52% of the votes. A similar proposition was passed in Arizona. In Michigan a proposition passed to legalize marijuana for medical purposes and with a doctor's prescription. Interesting signs of the times.
Random Ramblings...
* This campaign process was UGLY. Maybe I just didn't notice as much in the past but this one seemed even more vicious than others. So much mud-slinging, blaming, name calling, and I'm not just talking between candidates. Everywhere you looked there were such heated debates and arguments. I have to say I am glad it's over and hopefully now we can start looking at what's good about our country. It's sad to think that 911 put us on one end of the spectrum of unity and pride and this election put us about as far as you can get on the other end. (Am I being overly dramatic here? I think I have seen too many clips of The View lately.)

* I don't think Obama's victory means the end of the world. While the liberal fanatics are a huge part of his win, he now faces the people...ALL the people. If he wants to stay for two terms I think we will see him start to come towards the middle. We can only pray so... I think some of his beliefs and ideas are down right scary but time will tell.

* I believe Obama's victory was multi-faceted. Do I think it was purely because he is the best candidate...ummmm.... that would be a big N.O! But I think he had a lot on his side. "They" kept saying this election should not be about race but yet that is all we have heard about since his win. History has shown that in the past a fairly large percentage of voters vote based on looks. Why not race then? Second, let's say that we have two candidates who were fairly equal on the issues I would vote on the side of making history? Wouldn't you? Perhaps this accounted for some of his votes. Third, times are tough right now. With the economy in shambles and the Republicans in charge I think people are scared and just want to try something different. For that, I can place no blame.

* If nothing else we took a giant step away from voter apathy. I haven't been able to find the final results but they expected this election to yield one of the highest voter turnouts since 1968. Now that is something to get excited about. (On a sad side note, voter turnout in Utah was actually lower this year than the past election).
* And while I whole-heartedly believe that we now need to unite as a nation and support our new President I also don't think we have to sit idly and just take what comes our way. We still have a voice and the ability to influence outcomes. And that's what makes America so great.
The End.


Adree said...

Very nicely put :)

Rob said...

wow that was intense

smithfamilymoments said...


JLJ said...

Fewer voted in this election than in 2004. Interesting huh?

I don't think it's the end of the world (but right now I feel like that), but I do fear that it's one of the slow and steady steps down a path of destruction. I don't think Obama himself has any desire to destroy us, but some of his policies, if implemented would change the fundamentals of our country. The idea that America is founded on principles of prosperity and people having freedom from government was lost in this election.

BigEd said...

I think you make some excellent points, and I agree with you on most of them. I will be posting my own thought soon enough, but I find your thoughts refreshing and "hopeful".

Evecall said...

So well said, I agree with you and JLJ. We will just have to wait and see what comes of the next four years. Maybe history will be made again and a woman will be in the White House. Then we can truly tell our daughters that they CAN be anything they want to be.

Tara Williams said...

I agree whole-heartedly! I wasn't a big fan of either pick but McCain was the more conservative of the two. Oh, well. We voiced our opinion and blessedly we can CONTINUE to voice our opinions if we stay informed and involved over the next 4 years. Even though our conservative voices weren't as LOUD as others, our small, powerful voices were heard on issues such as Prop 8, etc. I feel very blessed to enjoy the freedoms that I do!