Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Wild Weekend Fun!

We had a wild and crazy weekend full of fun Halloween festivities. Friday night we went to Hallee's school carnival and had a blast. The kids played tons of games, Hope and Hallee learned a Monster Mash dance, and Caymbree stole the show with her cute little witch costume and squeaky shoes.

Saturday morning I was up at the crack of dawn and over at the church for Super Saturday. Everything went great but I am SO glad it's over. Another check off my to-do list. Saturday afternoon I took Hope and Hallee to see HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3. We LOVED it. I LOVED it. Don't judge me. Just go see it!!!
Sunday morning Hope and Hallee had their Primary program at church. They both did awesome with their parts but next time I might need to re-think telling Hope to sing really loud. During "I am a Child of God" it was pretty hard NOT to hear Hope yelling I mean, singing the song. Hallee had volunteered to be part of a small group of kids to sing a verse of "Called to Serve" in Spanish. She attended practices each Sunday to learn the song. Troy and I were beaming with pride to see her come out of her shell and perform.
Right after the Primary Program we jumped in the car and headed for Logan. We made it just in time for the luncheon following my cousins baby blessing on the Larsen side. We then spent a couple of hours at my parents house and then off to Jim and Amanies (cousin) house for an amazing Halloween party.

Hope and Jake showing off their mean pirate faces

All the cute little cousins showing off their costumes

The pirate and the poodle girl

And the highlight of the party was when Grandma and Grandpa surprised everyone by showing up in costume. Aren't they the greatest!!!
It was so good to be back in Logan with all the family. I think I was getting a little homesick. It's amazing how ridiculously hard it is too pull off a trip home. By about 7pm we loaded back up in the car and headed for home. Thanks for such a fun party Jim and Am!!!
By the time we got home all I could think about was having a day at home to re-group. That's when I remembered the Halloween party for playgroup. One of my committee members had worked so hard at preparing for the occasion so I really wanted to support her. And then there is always that nagging thought "what if no one shows up?" Silly me. 17 adults and 33+ kids made for a rip-roaring playgroup! We came home got Hope out of her costume for a few hours until it was time for dancing. Then back in the costumes, bag full of treats, and off to their Halloween dance party. I couldn't help but think of my friends comment regarding spending money on Halloween costumes that they only get to wear one night. Oh just you wait.... I think this season my kids will have worn their costumes on five different occasions before the holiday is over. I definitely get my money's worth!!! (Especially when Hope's is a hand-me-down from Hallee, Hallee's is borrowed from a friend, and I bought Caymbree's last year after Halloween for SIX dollars!!!!) And Troy says I can't budget!


Jeanette said...

It looks like the party was a lot of fun. I was sad I couldn't come. I love Grandpa and Grandma's costumes. How cute!!! They are the best!

jgalke said...

Whoa Jami - I don't know how you do it all. I think my head would pop off. Your girls look darling.

Kelli said...

The girls costumes are adorable! And yes, I'd say you can budget! Six bucks? I'm so impressed!

I really might be interested in judging again. Not for this year but maybe the next? Do you think I could do that? I would love you to put me on the e-mail list. bkbarton@gmail.com

I might have to call you someday and talk more about it! Thanks for all the info!

smithfamilymoments said...

Jami it was great seeing you at Jim and Amanie's. After we left Liv said she want's to do a sleep over with Hallee at our house. If you can ever arrange it, let me know because I think it would be really fun. Maybe if you come during Thanksgiving? Just a thought.

Tara said...

Wow what a jammed packed weekend. Why is this time so crazy but so fun at the same time.

Heather said...

Cute costumes!! I need to learn shopping tips from you:)

Tara Williams said...

So like...do you ever sleep? j/k I'm glad you guys are enjoying the season. I LOVE the Fall!! Oh, and I LOVE the girl's costumes & I'm lovin' the prices, too!

Anonymous said...

Your girls look so cute. Playgroup was awesome, its so fun to watch our little hoodlumes run around the gym. Thanks!

Brooke said...

Oh! I remember when Hallee was the little pirate girl. We have pictures of that Halloween! They all look so cute, and Hallee looks so grown up! It's crazy!

It's funny how even Halloween is crazy with all the fun things to do! So I guess the "holidays" start in October, eh?

Congrats on Super Saturday being over. I'm sure it was amazing.

Love ya, Jam!

JLJ said...

I'm surprised you even got your kids out of costume - maybe you should just let them sleep in them until Halloween!

This the time of year I get homesick too. It starts about now and ends a little after New Year.

Daisie said...

Wow! You do it all! It looks like tons of fun! Love the costumes and the deal you got! I miss Logan too!! Happy Halloween!