Wednesday, October 1, 2008

How full is your bucket?

A few months ago I read a great book called "How Full is Your Bucket?" by Tom Rath and Don Clifton. The theory is that each of us has an invisible bucket. It is constantly emptied or filled, depending on what others say or do to us. When our bucket is full, we feel great. When it's empty, we feel awful.

Each of us also has a "dipper". When we use that dipper to fill other people's buckets - by saying or doing things to increase their positive emotions- we also fill our own bucket. But when we use that dipper to dip from others' buckets - by saying or doing things that decrease their positive emotions - we diminish ourselves.

Like the cup that runneth over, a full bucket gives us a positive outlook and renewed energy. Every drop in that bucket makes us stronger and more optimistic.
But an empty bucket poisons our outlook, saps our energy, and undermines our will. That's why every time someone dips from our bucket, it hurts us.

So it was this idea that inspired our theme for our visiting teaching workshop. We used the theory to evaluate what type of visiting teacher each of us are. Do you leave a drop in your sisters bucket leaving her spiritually uplifted and edified? Or do you overstay your welcome, dumping all of your problems and gossip onto her?

It was a fabulous evening full of food, fun and games. And the decorations turned out quite nicely if I can say so myself. :)

These are the "posters" I displayed around the church the past month.
We then made 45 individual "buckets" (thanks to a mom of triplets who goes through ONE can of formula A DAY!).
The table centerpiece had a grouping of buckets and the poem "I'm just a visiting teacher." Each sister got to choose one of the buckets to take home.
After a get-to-know you game we had the sisters come and "fill their buckets" with lots of goodies (chocolate, cute magnets, "drops" to fill someone's bucket, a laminated, magnetized handout called "the Ten Commandments for Visiting Teachers," and the story of the bucket theory.

It was our first big event as a presidency and it got me really excited to work with them. Now on to Super Saturday.

Oh and by the way.... the book is great for families. It makes you stop and look at the daily interactions you have with your children. I think all too often I am dipping from my kids buckets when I am the one person in their life who should make sure it is overflowing. Just food for thought.


soccerfamily said...

We've do this at the school I am currently at and we also did it at my last school. Sometimes you easily forget about the little things people do to "fill your bucket", but every time you see that bucket, it really makes you stop and appreciate all your wonderful teammates! Talk about an easy way for team building!

smithfamilymoments said...

Jami- You are following right in your moms footsteps doing things absolutely over the top cute! What a great idea that was! I love it! My only regret is that I don't go to your ward to enjoy your fun activites. You are perfect for that calling!

Jenn said...

I really think you born to do this calling! Can I come to your church to take home one of those cute buckets? I'm looks like it went well.

Cathy said...

I also agree that the book is wonderful and your ideas and decorations are sooooooo....cute.
It makes me miss my Relief Society calling. Thanks for sharing your are awesome and I know you are going to love this calling.

Cathy said...
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Adree said...

WOW! Thank goodness you've been saving all those cans! They turned out way cute.

Kelli said...

WOW! Can I come next itme? Looks like it would be worth the trip! See - you are amazing at that calling and we all knew it!

I do love that little story/parable (whatever you call it.) You definitely made it work! Very cute idea! Maybe I can steal it and incorporate into Primary somehow!?!?

Joni said...

That's really cute. You need to post this on Sugar Doodle. That makes me wish I was working in RS again.

Tara Williams said...

Good greif, Girl! You are so talented!! Love the buckets!

Post-it Notes said...

Sounds like an awesome book. What a great idea!! Very cute... love the theme, love the buckets, everything just too cute!!

And yes, Cosmo Cricket in Logan. 700 N and 10th W. I will let you know when they have a warehouse sale.

Daisie said...

Jami! Wow, all of that turned out so so cute! I am so impressed! I just got called as the Enrichment Night Leader in my ward, so I am totally going to be looking to you for ideas!! I wish I had your talent! Really, so cute!

Tara said...

SO CUTE You worked so hard and it all payed off. SO amazing!!

Josie said...

Jami- I told you the night was perfect! You seriously did such a great job. Everything was adorable. And I didn't know that story about Hallee winning those tickets! I want to hear more about that:)

Tristen said...

Why am I not in your ward anymore?? It looks like a fabulous evening - I wish I could have been there to see it all.

Anonymous said...

These buckets are awesome. You are so talented and creative. What a cute idea!

394bull said...

Excelent object lesson and reminder to manage our thoughts and deeds. Your energy is enlightening and refreshing.

Thank You

Tom & Diane