Monday, October 20, 2008

Gardner Village

Next item on the fall agenda....Gardner Village. I'm not sure if we made the mistake or if we lucked out by unknowingly showing up during the Wee Witches Weekend. It was crazy busy with people everywhere but it also meant lots of crafts, food and activities for the kids to choose from. My only real gripe came when I had to wait 25 minutes in a line of cars just to get out of the parking lot. We were SO excited when Grandma Smith and great Grandma Larsen decided to join us for the day. Their company makes everything more exciting.


Tara Williams said...

I'm loving how Hallee always has "the pose" and Hope's just kind of hangin' out...doing her own thing! Priceless!!

Tara said...

It was pretty crazy but soooo fun, It was actually really fun to see all those witches , I am excited for halloween

Kelli said...

I love all the witches at Gardner village. Looks like you guys are having all kinds of Halloween fun!

How's the book coming.....still haven't started that project myself.

Larsen's! said...

looks like such fun! Miss being with all of you on these outings!