So I ran into an acquaintance from Logan the other day and we had the typical small chat conversation....
"So, how are you? Where do you live? Are you working? And then the one that stops them dead in their tracks every time. Actually it's not the question but the response....
"So how many kids do you have?" And when I respond happily with "three girls" their face goes kind of numb. Not sure whether to smile, frown or gasp. Well most of them anyway. This one just put it all out there. "Oh, I am SO sorry." Pity oozed from her.
Now seriously folks. Really. No pity necessary. I LOVE having girls. I have friends for life , a plethora of shopping partners and I get to buy boat loads of pink girly things. Now, in a few years when I have three teenage girls THEN you can pity me. But now, it's really not necessary.