Sunday, November 4, 2007

Family Pictures

Ah, yes...the wonderful, stressful, exciting, chaotic, I'm-only-crazy-enough-to-attempt-this-once-a-year FAMILY PICTURES. It only took three attempts to get them; the first, canceled due to 40 degree weather, the second, canceled to a raging case of the stomach flu for me, and the third - they were going to happen come heck or high water! Troy just shakes his head at how neurotic I become and I think his direct quote was "I just pray these things turn out so we can all rest at ease again!"

So here is just a sample of the pre-photo shop, 398 pictures my mom took that day.

Note to self: 1) Schedule pictures earlier next year 2) Never put a baby in overall skirt for pictures unless you want "wings" 3) Thank goodness for photo shop! 4) Patience is a virtue and someday you will laugh at the 298 pictures of Hope scowling, yawning, and jumping up and down.


tAy-Team said...

Brad speaking here>>>Hey Troy...from one man-of-the-house to another - these are the days (of which there seem to be many) where you put the pride in the pocket and let them try to get...the one shot the desperately seek. U guyz look G8! Thanks for passing on the tips for our upcoming photo op - as in Ie Mei's clandestine operation that I am sure is sneaking up on me...

Post-it Notes said...

Love your pics. They turned out great. That is on my checklist to do... family pics. I am not looking forward to it. Thanks for the inspiration!-Krista

Brooke said...

These are soooo gorgeous! I love them all! You are the most photogenic family ever!

JLJ said...

Your mom does a really good job. I love the brown dresses.

Tara Williams said...

LOVE THEM!!! You all look sooo cute!!! Even you...Troy! :)

Lindsay said...

Your pictures are so great! I love all of them!