Friday, November 30, 2007

Bathing beauty

Gotta love this picture!
Caymbree is adapting quite well to our crazy family and gets quite a kick out of her big sisters. They are just about the only ones who can get her to giggle straight from her toes! She is a great sleeper as long as she is in her bed sleeping through the night and taking three naps during the day. However, get her out of her element and well, let's just say it can get ugly. I'm faced with the daily decision of enjoying the serenity of a three hour nap or trying to run errands with a grumpy baby. Sounds like a no brainer I know but there are ALWAYS things to do, people to see! I can't put her in a category of "high-maintenance" or "angel child" because she is somewhere in between. She has been such a fun addition to our little family and she is very much loved!

High School Friends

Merry Christmas to my beautiful, talented, amazing friends from high school! Twelve years out, 8 husbands, and 23 children later (Yikes, I've never stopped to count the kids), and we still manage to pull off an occasional get-together. Thanks to Mindy whose diligent efforts allowed even the out-of-staters to attend! Life has taken us down different roads and given us different perspectives and yet we can get together wihtout skipping a beat! (We missed you Sarah and our thoughts and prayers with you!)

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Surviving the day after Thanksgiving Sales!

Don't ask me why we do it- part insanity, part the thrill of the chase, maybe it's just tradition because Thanksgiving just wouldn't be complete without out. I am talking about waking up at 3am, freezing your tootsies off while you wait out with all the other crazies in the world, putting on your boxing gloves and mentally preparing yourself for the mayhem that is just around the corner.
It occurred to me that many of you have not had the joy of participating in this have-to-see-it-to-believe-it event so I thought I would share this years experience down to the nitty gritty details. You see, if you are going to do it, you must do it right and after years of practice we have it down to a science. So, listen and learn...
Thursday Evening
Step 1: Systematically go through each and every ad; circle any items of interest.
Step 2: Repeat Step 1 at least three or four times so that you don't miss anything
Step 3: Prioritize - which items are most important. Where are the best deals? What time does each store open. (A spreadsheet is beneficial!)
Step 4: Divide and Conquer - Make assignments (who gets what)
Step 5: Charge cell phone (This is crucial for tomorrows game plan)
Friday Morning
Step 1: Wake up at 3am
Step 2: Put your game face on - no room for "mr. nice guy" here.
Step 3: Wait in lines
Step 4: GO, GO, GO!
Step 5: Call "team" on cell phone to report, regroup and reassign
Step 6: Celebrate your success by going out to breakfast.

Troy is such a trooper and we always send him after the most desired item. (He claims he thinks it is absurd but don't let him fool you. He is a sucker for a bargain!) This year we started out at Walmart who does things a little differently. Because they are open 24hours they put all of their doorbusters on crates and shrink wrap them. People gather around the crates and at 5am on the dot an associate cuts the wrap and all heck breaks loose. This year we put Troy in charge of getting a Cricket (Scrapbook die-cut machine) because we knew it would be the hot item with over $120 savings. My mom and I were both at different areas of the store to get the other items on our list but we kept the communication lines open through our cell phones. At about 4:45am Troy called to let me know it was probably going to get ugly at his location. And oh, did it ever...
The drama started out with a 40 year old man trying to bully his way into the crowd. After a few elbows to an 60 year old woman she finally turned around and gave him a piece of her mind. Words were exchanged and an associate had to step in to keep things in order. All this happened BEFORE the shrink wrap was ever cut. At 5am Troy remembers the shrink wrap coming off and the next thing he knows he is on the floor on all fours. (He has no idea how he got there). Arms are flying everywhere and he is watching the Crickets disappear before his eyes. He finally grabs one by the handle which of course immediately breaks off. In another desperate attempt he bear hugs one and pulls it safely under his body (remember he is still on all fours). Mission accomplished other than the fact he has 20 people basically hoovering over him. He finally army crawls his way out of the crowd and makes it to safety.
Just wait...the story gets even better.
While he was waiting around the pile he saw one of my cousins waiting on the other side. She had been there quite a few hours and was a shoe-in for one of the machines. Well, you would think anyway. Apparently at the buzzer someone grabbed one right out of her arms and as she reached for the next one, our favorite 40 year old bully doubled her over face down in a cart so he could reach over her to get one. By the time she came up and caught her breath the machines were long gone. However, an associate saw the whole thing go down and finally had enough of the guy. They ended up pressing charges against him and hauling him down to the station for assault. AND, they took his Cricket away and gave it to my cousin.
Now, I know what your thinking. So much for the holiday spirit right? I know, I know, I feel the same way but I just can't stop myself. Besides, we did have a good laugh at the visual of Troy crawling on his hands and knees out of the crowd. And, we've already determined I am pathetic so why not add insane to the list.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Girls Weekend

Last weekend I met up with my mom, sister and sister-in-laws for our ANNUAL GIRLS WEEKEND of shopping, shopping and yes, more shopping. Adree and I declared ourselves completely PATHETIC as we lost sleep in pure anticipation and excitement for the big event. I have been looking forward to it for months - the thought of two days of shopping and eating without whining, tantrums or "I want/need ______" was the antidote to many near mother melt-downs. I'll even go as far as saying that these magical girls-night-out moments are the key to sanity in motherhood. That, and an occasional warm bathtub, soft lighting, and your own choice of music without interruption from the little hoodlums. Like I said, I am pathetic!

High School Musical

Grandma and Grandpa Smith bought tickets for all the grandkids to see Disney's HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL ON ICE which happened to fall on Hope's birthday. (What luck for us!) Hope was elated to go and had a blast singing and dancing to the music. Her only birthday wish however was to get COTTON CANDY. So, being the wonderful parents that we are we forked out the $8.50 for a bag of colored sugar which she devoured during the show.

Happy Birthday Hope!

It's hard to believe our little "Hopers" is three years old. She is SPUNKY and fills our home with LAUGHTER with all of her crazy antics. She is very DETERMINED and can do anything if she puts her mind to it. She is very DETAIL ORIENTATED and pays attention to everything. If she hears a song once - she is usually singing it by the end of the day. She shocked us the other day by announcing that she knows her ABC'S and then proceeded to correctly label each letter of the alphabet WITH it's accompanying sound.

Hope is one that DANCES TO THE BEAT OF HER OWN DRUM and doesn't let anything or anybody get in her way. If everyone else is going left, she goes right. If we say "yes", she says "no." Thank goodness for reverse psychology. It seems like it's easy to get mad at her but it's almost impossible to stay mad. Arguments usually end with Troy or I having to leave the room so that she doesn't see us laughing.
We love our Hope and know that these qualities will be her greatest assets as she goes through life. We just pray for guidance and patience in the meantime! :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Just for the record

This post is just for the record. On November 13th, at four and a half months old, Caymbree had her first delicious breakfast of rice cereal and da-da-da-dum....SHE LIKES IT! SHE REALLY LIKES IT! I think I have been starving my poor child as I have been trying to hold off as long as possible for purely selfish reasons (It's just one more thing to add to my daily schedule) but I finally caved in. I planned on her spitting it out and pulling some sort of astonished face but on the first bite she took- she paused and then gave us a huge grin. It was as if to say, "So, that's what you've been holding out on me?" Of course, the camera was nowhere to be found so the video catches up around bite three.

Thursday, November 8, 2007


So I was getting a little tired of hearing the same songs every time I got on my blog so I decided to switch it up a little. Since in my own personal opinion (one that Troy DOES NOT share), it is too early to listen to Christmas music (Now is the time to vote in my poll) I decided to let everyone pick one song that they wanted on our blog. So, here are the results:
Josh Groban - Mom's pick (Just wait till you hear his Christmas album :))
Kenny Chesney - Dad's pick (well, actually he was not home when I did this so I chose it for him)
Gwen Stefani - Hallee's choice
Phantom of the Opera - Hope's choice. Yes, you heard me right. Hope has an obsession with Phantom of the Opera. She watches the movie at least twice a day and has numerous in-depth conversations with her friend Grace about each and every detail in the movie. They even make their own play dates so they can watch it together.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

A Sappy Moment

For Good (Wicked Musical)












The other day I was driving in the car with Hallee and one of her best friends listening to the song "For Good" from Wicked. They were singing at the top of their lungs when Trinity stopped and asked what the song was talking about. It was a tender moment as I explained the value of a good friend and watched as they turned to each other, smiled and then giggled. In my post partum state of mind (I know I really can't blame it on that four months later but I have to blame it on something), it stirred up a lot of memories of all the wonderful friendships my children and I have and just how true the words to the song really are.

So this post is dedicated to ALL those people in our lives who make a difference and change us for the better. I wish I had a picture of everyone and I should be thanking each one of you in person but for now, this will have to do. Thanks to all of you who have enriched our lives, who have helped us be better people, and who are always there to lend a helping hand. (I told you it would be a sappy moment :))

Editors note: It was quite a kick to search through all my computer files and try and find pictures to include. As you can see, some of them date back a few years and I realized I don't have pictures of half of you.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Family Pictures

Ah, yes...the wonderful, stressful, exciting, chaotic, I'm-only-crazy-enough-to-attempt-this-once-a-year FAMILY PICTURES. It only took three attempts to get them; the first, canceled due to 40 degree weather, the second, canceled to a raging case of the stomach flu for me, and the third - they were going to happen come heck or high water! Troy just shakes his head at how neurotic I become and I think his direct quote was "I just pray these things turn out so we can all rest at ease again!"

So here is just a sample of the pre-photo shop, 398 pictures my mom took that day.

Note to self: 1) Schedule pictures earlier next year 2) Never put a baby in overall skirt for pictures unless you want "wings" 3) Thank goodness for photo shop! 4) Patience is a virtue and someday you will laugh at the 298 pictures of Hope scowling, yawning, and jumping up and down.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

I LOVE FALL! So much to little time!
Pick out pumpkins at the pumpkin patch...check
Corn Maze...check
Paint pumpkins...check
Carve pumpkins...check
School carnival...check
Family Halloween party...check
Playing in the leaves courtesy of Grandpa...check
See the witches at Gardner village...check
Trick or Treat street at South Towne Expo, Hee Haw Farms, and Thanksgiving Point festivities...Well, there is always next year!

After the fifth time of getting the girls in and out of their costumes I think I am actually relieved it is all over. And let the holidays begin!

Friday, November 2, 2007

I know, I know - I should be posting all the cute Halloween pics and I promise they are coming but right now this video is FAR more fitting of my mood! My friend Jen just sent me the link - thanks for sharing Jen!

Note: You might want to "pause" my soundtrack in order to hear the video song. :)