Sunday, September 25, 2011

Caymbree moments

Oh man. Hope gets a lot of attention around her for the funny things she says and does but Caymbree has started to join the ranks. How have I not written them down??? So here I am trying to rack my brain to remember all of them. I'll do my best.

1) After a rough day of her harassing her sisters I finally put her to bed and sat down to have a little chat about being kind to her sisters. She got pretty teary eyed, held up her hand to stop me from talking any further and then replied in a chocked up voice, "First dub all, dey driving me nuts!"

2) Screaming at me from the top of the stairs, "MOOOOOMMMMMMM!!! I can't find the other half of my zucchini!!!!!" I think the word you're looking for is tankini there.

3) A common phrase we hear from her lately is "Whew! Dat went well!" or "Criminey!"

4) And finally the kicker the other day was when out of nowhere she walked up all serious and said, "Oh man! I sink I'm gonna cry. Our baby dat died in the woods, it's just so sad." What the what????

A child's prayer

The BIG GUY upstairs is really getting a earful these days from our Miss Rose. She is taking the whole idea of talking to Him like he is your best friend to a whole new level and you never quite know what she might say. I can't tell you how many times Troy and I sneak a quiet glance and smile at each other during her prayers. So cute. So tender. So bizarre and random sometimes. She usually gets in all the regulars... "peas bess us dis day to hav a good night" (way to kill two birds with one stone there - doesn't matter what time of day it is), and "peas help us to be nice and lisen to our moms and dads (apparently she has more than one set of those). But on top of that we always get some curious thoughts as well. Here's just a few
-"Peas bess dat we don't poke each other in the eye"
-"bess that my mom won't forget to come to my room and tuck me in again" -(What in the world??)
- "Jovie my best friend and we are going to pay tomorrow cause I miss her and her mom and dad and her sissers." (good to know I guess)
- " My sissers are mean sometimes" (just in case He didn't know)
- "I love my dolls, and my pillow, and my cup, and my...(opens her eyes and lists everything within sight)

Seriously cute people.

Big Day and Big Changes

I sent my Miss Caymbree off to her second year of preschool. It was a BIG day for both of us. Big for her because it's another step of growing up. Big for me because it is the first time in YEARS that all my children are out of the house (even if it is only for two hrs/3 days a week). I have been dreaming of this moment. A few coveted hours to myself. Time to grocery shop, run errands, clean, work on projects, or heck, even take a nap if I want without any kids or distractions. This is HUGE people. I wasn't sure what to do first!

As the day came I found that excitement a little muted. This is my baby! My buddy and friend. I came to the realization that our precious time alone together is quickly going to pass. And I'm not going to lie...I was a little sad. Caymbree has been so fun and I LOVE our time together. She is pretty chill and low maintenance and requires very little of me. She usually grabs her dolls or barbies and just hangs out by me playing quietly with her toys for hours. She loves to chit chat while we are out running errands and somehow always manages to sway me to stop and buy a treat somewhere. I'll have to admit not having her on my errands HAS saved me some money :)!

It's so fun to watch her grow up but a little emotional at the same time. I've never been one to cry as they send their kiddos off to school but sending Caymbree off to kindergarten next year just might do it to me. What has been a fun and exciting new adventure for my other children has a entirely different feeling with my baby knowing that it marks the end of an era in our lives. Somebody better grab me some tissues....

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Bear Lake Baby!!!

We had such a blast at Bear Lake this year. I can't even start to think about it without chuckling! So many fun memories! So get ready for a major picture overload since I didn't want to forget a moment of our adventures! So get ready - SET - GO!!!!

VOGUE POOL PARTY CONTEST - Strike a pose! Who can nail the pose of all mid-air poses? I'll give you a wasn't me. Even with this spectacular jump right through the teeny tiny baby ring. Made it straight through. Yep. Impressive don't ya think.

Adree and I gave it a joint effort with this duo dive. I think the lame nose plugging ruined our chances.

And the winner brother ROB. How do you compete with that?

Even Caymbree got in on the action.

We headed for the beach for more fun in the sun.

I hate it when this happens...

CONTEST #2: Get all six adult standing at the same time on the pool tramp. Sounds lame. That's what big bro Kory thought too. Guess who was the first and ONLY one to fall off???

After laughing at Kory falling off Troy took it upon himself to get the rest of us off. One big bear hug and we all took a tumble. Zoom in close for the laugh of your life. There was some serious groping going on. Poor Rachel feels violated. I am still laughing about it!

Troy looking so smug in all of his glory.

Good times at the cabin. How precious is this?

A little less precious perhaps...

Bridger and Caymbree helping Grandpa Tom.

More Funny moments when Rachel brought the game BEANBOOZLED. The task: Spin the wheel. Whatever color it lands on you must pick a jelly belly of that color. The trick - it will be either one of two flavors. For example: BLACK can be either black licorice OR skunk. Orange - Peach or BARF Yellow - Banana or Booger White - Cotton candy or diaper wipes. Other crazy flavors included centipede and canned dog food. It was INSANE how real the nasty flavors were. Seriously, how do they do that? Just check out some of these reactions...

Seriously such a fun trip. Love the fam. Love Bear Lake.

Addendum - Bear Lake

How could I forget these??? Actually I tried to get them in the last post but it was seriously messing up my post. So here ya go...

Contest #3: Catch the football while on the tramp. Again, WAAAAYYY more difficult than it sounds.... Although I am pretty sure it helps if you keep your eyes open. He he he.

Ya I pretty much stunk at this one. Not sure I caught a single ball. I was more concerned with falling overboard. However, get me on the shore with a big ball and plastic bat and I am a SUPER STAR. Hit it out of the water every time. Just saying.

Oh what do you do in the summertime???

Of course we had to get in a few more trips to G&G's pond this summer. The kids seriously LOVE that place. The Cousins

I've decided we would have a pretty lame and boring life if it weren't for our fabulous friends who invite us everywhere. We spent an amazing day out on the lake!

Steve showing us his mad skills. I have to admit. If I hadn't seen it in person I probably wouldn't have believed it.

Troy doing his thing. I has been YEARS since either one of us have been skiing. Unfortunately, the day before I had seriously injured my back and had to sit like a lame duck on the boat the entire day.

My kids have never had the opportunity to try anything in the water so we were determined to have them try a little of everything on this trip. HOLY TERRIFIED! It was so funny. Hallee had a little bit of a scary experience on the first go-round and I was sure that was going to be the end of her skiing days. However, a few hours later and a lot of coaxing later she gave it a whirl again. So proud of her!

Not sure she enjoyed surfing with Steve too much. If only you could see her face! After watching Hallee's mishap Hope wanted nothing to do with it. We finally had to force her in (knowing that she would love it once she got up). She wasn't very happy with us at first.

Are we having fun yet?

See...told ya. All smiles once she made it up! She wanted to do it multiple times after that!