Sunday, April 3, 2011

Dancing Queen

Good Golly Miss Molly. Look at those pointed toes! Does her momma proud!

And if your interested you can even watch the video.

{Pause my playlist first before watching video}

So it's official. My daughter has entered the wild world of competitive dance. I have been really reluctant to do it up until this point for a number of reasons. 1) Once you do it there's no turning back (ok a little dramatic) 2) it's a huge time commitment 3) Money: it's an all access pass to your bank account and 4) it puts a major damper in my judging career which means not only am I PAYING out money for competitions but I'm also not MAKING any money at these competitions. But I knew it was time. So I set aside my judging hat for five weekends out of the season and put on my #1 FAN hat instead. I have to admit it's harder than it sounds. After years of watching dance critiquing each and every movement I find myself wanting to do the same with Hallee. Can you say "STAGE MOM?" I have to keep myself in check and celebrate each and every success instead.

We are now two competitions and no regrets from anyone. They have taken a 1st and 2nd place and her studio has taken OVERALL at both. We have seen HUGE growth in Hallee this year not only as a dancer but as an individual and leader as well. We LOVE LOVE LOVE her studio and their ability to motivate through positive reinforcement. It is truly amazing what a great teacher and studio can do for a child.

1 comment:

Adree said...

That's one heck of a toe touch!!!