Monday, June 7, 2010


We managed to sneak a trip in to the zoo while the girls were off track. The weather was perfect and the animals were playful. I drug my zoo-hating friend and her three girls along and I think I just may have softened her heart about the zoo. See...all smiles.
First stop. MONKEYS. I thought Caymbree was going to be ecstatic. Instead, she was terrified. Apparently she didn't trust the rope/net cage and was convinced the monkeys were going to get her. We were not off to a good start. She finally started to ease up but she didn't quite trust the animals. Turning her back to them was a big gamble. (Just check out her body language in the picture below).
Sweet picture. Yep. That green thing to the side of Hallee's head is a snake wrapped up around a tree. The black dots are the eyes. CREEEEPPPPYYYY!
Favorite candid moment of the trip. I was snapping away at Hope watching this monkey when all of the sudden it leaped from the branch right at her and pressed it's face up to the glass. She screamed and then started laughing hysterically.
All the animals seemed to be in playful moods and this peacock had NO problem strutting her stuff for the girls.
Hope was little miss photographer. We gave her our old camera and she took 369 pictures at the zoo. I'm pretty sure each and every animal was accounted for and Troy was able to get a first hand look at her zoo experience when she made him sit down and look at all 369 pictures.

Caymbree had us all in stitches when she looked up and saw the giraffes, looked back at us and then said in a deep gruff voice, "Dat Jaff look at me and say what da heck!" Your probably right Caymbree. Your probably right.


Kelli said...

Bri and I are zoo haters like your friend. So everytime I see pictures on blogs from the zoo I feel such guilt! I really need to just take my boys there before Derek grows out of it. It does look like you had a good time though. And I love the "Jaff" comment. Very cute!

Tara said...

It was a great Zoo day thanks for the good times!