Sunday, October 25, 2009

Send in the clowns

Well the big day finally arrived. Nope not Christmas. Not a birthday. THE SCHOOL CARNIVAL!! Hallee came into our room about three times the night before unable to sleep because she was SOOOOOOO excited!!!

Troy and I made a booth for the carnival. I was a little leery how it would turn out but it ended up being a big hit! Kids would come up to the booth pick a number, say "trick or treat" and then lift up the flap that they had chosen. Behind each number were various "tricks". Things like being sprayed down with silly spray, a water bottle, blasts of air, fog horns, or a semi-scary mask.

My fears of a flop came true the first few minutes when instead of laughter came shock and tears from the little ones. Fortunately, once a few big kids did it the surprise element caught on and they LOVED it.

My kids had a blast and I can't believe how much time and effort goes into putting on this carnival.


Their costumes this year were inspired by my cousin Lorren's costume last year. Thanks for the fun idea Lorren!!! My girls complained about having to be clowns all the way up until I finished the final product and then they ended up loving them. (I even got a few apologies about the amount of whining I had to endure during the process).


slap said...

What a cute idea....I'd have never thought to do skirts like that with a clown.....LOVE IT!!! so DANG CUTE!!!!

Anonymous said...

AWESOME! You are lucky your kids will go along with what you want for costumes. I have no control over that one! Super cute!!!!

Tara said...

So cute love the little clowns I just think they are adorable you did an amazing job.

smithfamilymoments said...

Good job with the costumes!They make the cutest little clowns ever!

Larsen's! said...

oh they turned out sooo cute jamie! I think im going to be a clown again this year just because i love that costume so much! You could totally do those tutu's for any costume. a bunny would be adorable. We do need to do a craft night. Let me know when you have a free night!

The Lively's said...

Too cute!

JLJ said...

I love your idea for the booth - so cute! The costumes turned out darling and I love your new pictures. Your mom is indeed talented.

Larsen's! said...

you all look so adorable! I recognized the idea from Lorren's last year! What cute girls you have!

Kelli said...

Such cute cute costumes! If I ever have 3 little girls I am SO copying! :)