Sunday, October 18, 2009

October Festivities

I {heart} Fall. So many fun things to do. We are doing our best to get them all in. This past weekend Troy and I took the girls to the Scarecrow Festival at Thanksgiving Point. The kids had a blast and it was BEAUTIFUL weather!
My friend Tara and I have made it a tradition to take the girls to see the Witches at Gardner Village. For some reason it never gets old. Unfortunately, pictures did. The kids were less than cooperative when it came time to say "cheese".

We loved having cousin Adi with us for the day.

My one and only picture that actually shows a "witch". Gotta love it.

Do you think I was in a "pink" mood when I dressed my children that day?
(Not planned by the way).

Hope's preschool had their first field trip to Cornbelly's (also at Thanksgiving Point). The weather was a little colder but the kids didn't even seem to notice.


Adree said...

I need those pics of the four girls. Did you plan their outfits to all match????

Tara said...

I love the witches, it is funny how we were so easy going this year,I love it. Thanks for the good times.