Sunday, November 20, 2011

Pinch me please!

New year. Same craziness. Things always get a little hectic this time of year for me with a competition to plan, 2 birthdays to pull off, Christmas and everything that comes with it. This year we added a few more things to the nut farm with Troy's calling, me adding another dance competition to plan and prepare for and me taking on a part time job doing a long term substitute position. I'm not going to lie. Sometimes it seems like more than I can handle. My mom happened to catch me in one of those moments where I felt like I was on the verge of a meltdown. When she asked what she could do I was quick to suggest taking the kids for a few days while they were off track. She was happy to oblige.

So after my two day girls weekend she packed up the girls and took them to Logan for four days. Holy cow. Is it bad to say that it was absolutely AMAZING, REJUVENATING and an unbelievably PRODUCTIVE four days? I think it should be a yearly requirement for every marriage. And while you would think that we would take advantage of a no-kid house and go out to dinner and on date nights we did just the opposite. We wrapped up in warm cozy blankets, turned on movies, got out both of our laptops and worked like crazy. Sounds less than romantic but actually it was! Eventually we would get hungry so we would stop and go make dinner together. We ran our errands together. We actually got to talk uninterrupted. Can't remember the last time that happened.

And while we missed our kiddos I realized that I had missed by hubby and was reminded why I fell in love with him in the first place. Our lives get so crazy that we go into roommate mode simply crossing paths during the day. So a huge, gigantic thank you to my parents and a huge I love you to the hubby. I was able to scratch obscene amounts of things of the to-do list and feel like I can actually breath again.

And while I'm rambling can I just give a shout out to the most amazing friends in the entire world. I don't know how I got so lucky to find these ladies and you know who you are. They are my key to sanity! I can't even begin to tell you how many hours they have my children while I am working, judging, or who knows what else. They are my shoulder to cry on, my ears to vent to, my brains to bounce ideas off of. So while I'm handing out the love - here's to you girls! Can't thank you enough!


JLJ said...

That sounds awesome! I've always thought a few days home alone (with our without Spouse) would be great. Does your mom take non-relatives children?

Josie said...

So glad she was able to do that for you. I love your mom...she's a special lady...reminds me of mine:) You're quite the amazing girl yourself. Don't know how you pull off everything you do!