Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Disneyland 2011

Hello Disneyland! We've missed you....So fast thrill rides really aren't my thing. I'll go on them. But I don't always love them. Oh ya... and there is one I REFUSE to go on...TOWER OF TERROR. More like PUKE IN MY HAIR!!! First, I hate elevators. Second, I hate small spaces. Third I hate that feeling of my stomach dropping. So me and Tower of terror...NOT GONNA HAPPEN.

A little nervous before Scream'n California...

We've got plenty of that attitude around our house Vidia!

The one "fast" ride Caymbree was tall enough to go on was Matterhorn. I thought she would freak out once it started but she actually did pretty good. Although she had NO desire to go on it again.

Princess make-overs. Worth every penny! (Can you hear the sarcasm in my voice?)

Steve spent the whole trip trying to convince Troy that we should have another child. Pretty sure it didn't work. Dang.

Cute Daddy's taking their girls on the dumbo ride. Pretty sure it was one of the longest lines of the day.

The tea cups....better known as BARF-O-RAMA!

Stay tuned for more to come. Like our TOP TEN MEMORIES of CA 2011.


JLJ said...

I'm with you on the Tower of Terror and the Teacups - No Thanks!

I love the picture of Troy posing in the stroller. Fun times!

Anonymous said...

Super fun! The weather looks great, how nice was it to be in the sun?!

Heather said...

Everytime I think we can wait a while to go back to Disneyland I see someone else's trip and it makes me want to go back tomorrow!!:) Looks like lots of fun! I refuse to go on the Tower of Terror too, been once and never again!! The princess makeover is the one thing we have still never done. They look cute!!

The Lively's said...

So Jealous! You got me wanting to go back!!! I didn't know you didn't like elevators and small spaces...good to know! Glad you guys could get away and enjoy yourself...So fun!!!