Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cha cha cha CHANGES

Some big changes have occurred around here lately. Three to be exact. First, I was unexpectedly released from the Relief Society presidency when the President was called to a stake position. Have to admit I was sad. Really sad. I loved my calling and while it was a TON of work I loved every minute of it. A week later I got the calling I was praying I would NOT get. Adult Sunday School teacher. HOLY CRUD! Too bad my parents taught me that I should never turn down a calling. Drat! And then a week after that the big one came. This time for Mr. T.

Troy was called to be the first counselor in the Bishopric. DOUBLE HOLY CRUD!!! Is my faith being tested here??? First my calling and then this! I held it together pretty darn good in the interview until they said "in 4-5 years from now when you are released...." and then I lost it. I started doing the math in my head. Hallee will be 14, Hope 11 and Caymbree will be 8. It was overwhelming. Five years of sitting with the three girls by myself, five years of a MIA dad on Tuesday and Wednesday nights and weekends cut short. FIVE YEARS!!!!

As overwhelmed as I was it wasn't long before a feeling of peace took over. Don't get me wrong I still have my moments of panic but I also feel a great deal of comfort as well. I know the next few years will have there challenges but I also know there are many blessings as well. And that is very comforting.

So to all my many friends who have been there, done that, or are currently doing it, any advice on how not to strangle your children while being a church widow?


Anonymous said...

You guys will be great at both your callings. Our ward needs good leaders! Now you have a good excuse to breakdown once in awhile!

Heather said...

You did a great job on Sunday!! Some people are meant to teach!! Troy will do a great job too:) Just don't think about how old your kids will be, I think it would make me cry too!!:)

Kelli said...

Oh WOW!! Congratulations to both of you! Those are both HUGE!! And you'll both do so AWESOME! I was called to be the gospel doctrine teacher right after we moved from Logan and about freaked too. It was the ONE calling I said I'd never be able to do. But it turned out to be such a great experience and I loved it. I had to study a LOT but I really loved it. You're a natural though so no worries!

We need to plan a dinner out up there with everyone or something and catch up better!! Are you doing mych with drill team this year?

Josie said...

no advice here but I will be sitting close by to help out just in case of any emergencies. We KNOW that you both will be WONDERFUL.

JLJ said...

I agree with the comments above... you are a great teacher, no matter the subject. You'll be awesome. And as for Troy, I don't have any advice, just a word to the wise: blue shirts and a little scruff will go a long way in keeping you under the radar. But I guess it's too late for that :) Good luck!

turtleyes said...

Please allow us to support you in these calling in any way we can.

Larsen's! said...

Yes, totally understand! Counselors are so important to a bishop - speaking from experience as bishop's wife - ha! Drew has just "celebrated" his 4 yr anniversary as bishop! Now we hear our stake presidency is being changed in two weeks and all bishops get interviewed by the attending General Authority. Oh, hopefully we won't have anything to worry about. Good luck -