Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Shopping...A serious business

Most of you know of my love for shopping but you may not know where I acquired that love from. Let's just say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. When it comes to my mother and shopping you DON'T mess around. So if you thought Swiss Days was about a relaxing girls weekend you would be sorely mistaken!! My mom had us up at 6:00am in order to have breakfast and be at Swiss Days before the booths opened. She was in a sheer panic when we didn't pull into the parking lot until 8:05 (five minutes after booths opened). The rest of us got a good chuckle out of it.
For years my cousins/aunts/sisters have talked about a girls weekend over Swiss Days. This year we actually did it! Unfortunately, work got in the way for a lot of them and we ended up with a party of six. We had a blast and did our part in supporting Swiss Days...

We started off the day FREEZING followed by some intense HEAT and ended with some serious EXHAUSTION! We ate super yummy food all weekend, stayed up late, laughed continuously spent lots of money, but most of all we just had a blast. And just so you know you don't even have to be family to join our little weekend. Any takers for next year????


smithfamilymoments said...

Wow it looks like you all scored with some dang cute finds. I missed being with all of you, maybe next year.

jgalke said...

I get in trouble every year for making my mom and sister late by arriving @ 7:15. I'm not kidding. I don't even buy anything - I just go along to hear those beautiful swiss miss singers sing Angels Among Us. Heaven help me, next year I'm bringing ear plugs. Looks fun, can't believe I didn't see you there!

Jeanette said...

oh that looks like fun! Glad you guys found some fun buys.

Josie said...

I'm a taker for next year!

Larsen's! said...

I want to go!!!

Unknown said...

It was a blast! I am already inviting myself to the next shopping trip! I promise to keep my comments to myself this time!:-)